American Revolutionary War Unit From Protest to War American Revolutionary War Unit
French & Indian War Description/Explanation Impact/Significance War for dominance in North American continent French, English, Spain France held lands west of Appalachian Mts and in Canada British won! Britain gains territory, especially west of Appalachian Mts. Britain is in Debt!
Proclamation of 1763 Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Britain denies colonists right to settled beyond the Appalachian Mts. Lands for Native Americans instead Colonists protest! Colonists lose investments in lands to the west of the mountains
Sugar Act Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Enforced and extended duty (tax) on sugar, molasses Colonists protest! Making rum is more expensive Will lay the ground for further protest with the Stamp Act
Navigation Acts Description/Explanation Impact/Significance British enforced Navigation Acts: Use of English ships, ports for trade from colonies Colonists protest! Difficult to smuggle goods Eventually raises issues of: Standing Army in the colonies Writs of Assistance
Salutary Neglect Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Define salutary Britain ignored its colonies, but the colonies were happy to handle certain government issues for themselves Colonies were used to some level of self- government Difficult for Britain to enforce rules now that had not been enforced for years
Stamp Act Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Duty (tax) on paper goods by British Parliament Colonists protest! Taxation without representation Unifies colonists against the British government’s acts Sons of Liberty formed Patrick Henry’s Treason Speech
Protest How has protest changed among the colonists since the end of the French and Indian War? (Hint: How did colonists protest against the Proclamation of 1763, the Sugar Act, and the Navigation Acts? What did the protest look like for the Stamp Act?)
Boston Massacre Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Colonists provoke and attack British soldiers in Boston Throw rocks, ice balls British soldiers fire on mob Kill colonists Propaganda for colonial leaders
Boston Tea Party Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Britain helped out the East India Co. by giving them a monopoly on the importation of tea to the colonies Britain put a duty on this tea Price of tea actually lower than what colonists were paying Colonists still protest against taxation without representation Protest against avoiding the middle man—the colonial shopkeeper Destruction of tea by dumping cargo into the sea
Boston Tea Party Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Britain imposes the Coercive Acts It closes the port of Boston Colonists must pay for destroyed tea Colonists protest by calling them the Intolerable Acts Form the First Continental Congress
First Continental Congress Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Formed by Colonists Aim: To work together to have Parliament rescind the Intolerable Acts Boycotting English imports Open Communication Colonies unite against common cause
Patrick Henry Description/Explanation Impact/Significance “Give me liberty or give me death” speech Leads colonists towards idea of independence from Britain
Lexington and Concord Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Skirmish between colonists, minutemen, and British Regulars (Redcoats) Shot heard round the world Start of American Revolutionary War
Warm up: Oct. 25 What is meant by the phrase “the shot heard round the world”? Put the following in order, beginning with the earliest event first. Coersive Acts Proclamation of 1763 Boston Tea Party Stamp Act
Thomas Paine Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Wrote Common Sense Provides colonists with a logical reason for independence from Britain Pamphlet lists grievances against Britain—basis for those adopted in Declaration of Independence
Thomas Paine Read the excerpt provided from Common Sense. What passages are particularly persuasive? Why? What are two arguments Paine makes for independence?
Richard Henry Lee Description/Explanation Impact/Significance “These United colonies are, and of a right ought to be, free and independent states.” Convinces enough delegates to sign the Declaration of Independence
John Locke Description/Explanation Impact/Significance Enlightenment Philosopher Remember, Locke’s ideas were very radical for the time His ideas greatly influenced the ideas of gov’t in America Ideas about sovereignty and rights of the people challenged the prevailing ideas about the power (dictatorial rule) of kings, emperors, and other tribal chieftains
John Locke All people are free, equal and have “natural rights” to life, liberty, and property that rulers cannot take away Where does this idea almost exactly appear in an American document?
John Locke All original power resides in the people They consent to enter into a “social contract” among themselves to form a gov’t to protect their rights In return, the people will obey the laws and rules established by that gov’t This establishes a system of “ordered liberty”
John Locke Explain how the social contract theory establishes “ordered liberty.” (How is gov’t still ordered, or regulated? How do people still retain their liberties among such laws?)
John Locke Government’s powers are limited to those the people have consented to give it Whenever gov’t becomes a threat to the people’s natural rights, it breaks the social contract Then, the people have the right to alter or overthrow it.
John Locke How is the previous idea reflected in the Declaration of Indedependence?
John Locke Remember, Locke is not a contemporary of the this time period—the American Revolutionary War He is not alive at this time
Declaration of Independence Authors Thomas Jefferson, (main author) Ben Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman
Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Influenced by John Locke
Declaration of Independence “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government…” Influenced by John Locke