The War Begins 5.4
Why It Matters Would Britain give in to the colonist ?
Heck No, Britain will not give into the colonist’s demands
The Second Continental Congress Most colonists did not favor independence Continental Congress meets again Delegates include: Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin Big decision: What do we do now? Divided between colonies but all agreed to prepare for war. Choose George Washington as the commander of the Continental army.
Patriots Against Loyalist By 1775 Colonist that supported Independence were called Patriots. Colonist that remained loyal to Britain and the king were called Loyalist.
Name the people who would probably be loyalist?
Name the people who would probably be Patriots?
Big Question? How did Lord Dunmore’s Declaration encourage Virginian’s to take the Patriot’s side?
Petitioning the King What was the Olive Branch and why did many not believe that it would be effective?
What was the Declaration of the Causes and necessities of Taking Up Arms?
An Important American Victory May 10, 1775 May 10, 1775 Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys attacks the arsonal at Ft. Ticonderoga Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys attacks the arsonal at Ft. Ticonderoga It controlled main route It controlled main route It held valuable weapons It held valuable weapons Oh-OH! Oh-OH!
Early Battles June 1775 June 1775 Britian sending 6500 troops to Boston Britian sending 6500 troops to Boston 1600 minutemen occupy Breed’s Hill ( Bunker) across from Boston port 1600 minutemen occupy Breed’s Hill ( Bunker) across from Boston port Ready to fire approaching British ships carrying troops Ready to fire approaching British ships carrying troops
Battle of Bunker Hill
How is this event related to Ft. Toncondaroga? George Washington seizing Boston: Pushing Redcoats to the sea.
Invading Canada Benedict Arnold fails to take Quebec.