From The Crisis, No. 1 By Thomas Paine Page. 106
What kind of appeal is Paine making here? An emotional appeal
What is the substance of the appeal? He claims God is on the side of the colonists.
Why, in his judgment, will God favor the colonists? Because they have, in his opinion, tried so hard to avoid war
What does Paine hope to accomplish with this anecdote What does Paine hope to accomplish with this anecdote? (the anecdote begins on page 108) Possible response: He hopes to make his audience see the selfishness of the Tory position that would avoid war today but leave it for future generations to fight. He hopes to appeal to people’s love for children and hope for their future.
What figure of speech is Paine using here? metaphor
What is the purpose of Paine’s image? He seeks to convince his audience that even if the colonists surrendered or lost the war, the desire for liberty (the coal) would still keep burning, and it would inevitably break out into war (the flame) again and again until America became free.
Note the length of the first sentence of this page—over nine lines Note the length of the first sentence of this page—over nine lines. What is the point of the first independent clause? The second? The first clause expresses hope for a reconciliation among the colonists, but the second advocates the expulsion from the country of all Tories and the seizure of Tory property if they assist or encourage the British.
Up to now Paine has used we, us, and out to refer to the colonists Up to now Paine has used we, us, and out to refer to the colonists. Why does he switch to you and your? Having finished his discussion of the Tories, Paine seeks to directly address those colonists he claims as his own, to make them feel personally committed to the cause, and to exhort them to redouble their efforts.
Who is Paine calling an “individual villain”? King George
What examples of parallelism occur here? The three sentences beginning with Were are an example of parallelism.
Based on the evidence in this paragraph, as well as above, how would you characterize the author? Possible responses: passionate, reflective, courageous, just, optimistic, eloquent
Homework Page 112 Reading check a-d Questions 1-4