75% of population were aged and came as indentured servants Little women population High Death Rate 40% of the immigrants died in less then two years High marriage rate because of death rate Lived in scatted farms and plantations Tobacco largest export Grew or made necessities Did not support schools- low literacy rate
Life expediency grows Large number of freed indentured servants Tobacco prices drop Hard to make a living Less land for farming Poor Farmers and labors want to settle in West Virginia Treaty was created which stopped settlement in this area Ignoring the treaty settlers started moving into the land White settlers killed a friendly group of native Americans and did not pay or give back to the nation Native Americans began attacking outlying farms
Colonist want to declare war on Native Americans Governor William Berkeley refused Nathaniel Bacon creates army of Western Settlers and attacks native Americans on the frontier Army consisted of indentured servants and slaves Looted and burned plantations Seized Jamestown and took over government Bacon dies unexpectedly House of Burgesses decides to open Native American land to colonist
After death of Oliver Cromwell Charles the II restores monarchy power in England Time in England Called the Restoration King rewarded supporters with land 8 supporters gained a colony between Virginia and Spanish Florida– named Carolina Settlers came primarily from Barbados Cattle, Tree cutting, and traded with Indians Tried to grow rice but failed Enslaved Africans from rice growing regions helped develop a way
Became very profitable and attracted European Jews, Germans, Scots, Scots-Irish, and West Indians Protestants would come later escaping religious persecution Slaves due to large plantations Little contact with white settlers while on plantations Task System: assigned specific duties once finished they could work on their own farms or relax Whites would eventually adopt harsh slave code fearful of slave revolt
Fight occurs between Mohawk and New Yorkers Mohawk were part of the Iroquois League, a political confederation of Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca Dominated the fur trade Protected all members Middle men bought and traded furs from Native Americans and then sold them to the white settlers Played English and French against each other
Spain, France and England begin world wide struggle for empire Fighting spilled over into North America Three different Wars King Williams War ( ), Queen Anne’s War ( ), and King George's War ( ) For defense and to recruit the Iroquois representatives from 7 colonies met in Albany New York Created the Albany Plan of Union formed by Ben Franklin Britain rejected the plan due to fear of losing power
War would rage in North America until Treaty of Paris Awarded territories in North America British claimed Canada and all French holdings East of the Mississippi River except New Orleans Spain surrendered Florida to British