Chapter 3 Section 1: The Southern Colonies
Settlement in Jamestown: In 1606 King James I granted the request of a group of English merchants to found a settlement in a region which had been named ________. Founding a New Colony: Within a year ___ colonists traveled to the new settlement of Jamestown, which was the first permanent English settlement in North America. The colony was ill prepared and this led to the deaths of about _______ of the original colonists. The men who came were adventurers with no useful skills such as carpentry or farming, and the area was surrounded by marshes full of disease-carrying mosquitoes.
Powhatan Confederacy: The settlement fared better when ___ ____ took over and built a fort. He set up a reward system to force settlers to work harder for their food. They received help from the powerful Powhatan Confederacy of Native Americans after Smith made and agreement with them. They brought food and taught them how to grow ____. In more settlers arrived, and over the _____ disease and famine hit the colony hard once again. After the winter, only __ colonists were alive. The colony failed to make a profit until colonist John Rolfe introduced a new type of _______ that sold well in England.
War in Virginia: John Rolfe married _________, daughter of the Powhatan leader, in This marriage helped the two groups to form a more peaceful relationship. Three years later, however, she _____ while visiting Rolfe in England. In 1622, colonists killed a Powhatan leader and the Powhatan responded by attacking them in retaliation later that year. Fighting between the two continued for the next ___ years.
Daily Life in Virginia: People in Early Virginia lived on scattered farms and most grew tobacco, which was becoming a huge cash crop back in Europe. Headright System: Colonists received __ acres of land if they paid their own way to Virginia, and they earned another 50 for every other person they brought with them. Labor in Virginia: Colonists suffered very high death rates, which led to labor shortages. The workers tended to be _____ _______, who worked for 7 years to pay for their journey to America. Expansion of Slavery: Some of the laborers were also Africans, which were both enslaved Africans as well as servants. As demand rose and costs for slave labor dropped, which led to an increase in the use of slaves by colonists.
Bacon’s Rebellion Jamestown grew over time, and as it did colonial officials asked for more _____. In the mid- 1600’s some poor colonists _______ the higher taxes as well as the government policies towards the Native Americans (promoting trade with them and allowing them to keep their land). Under the leadership of _______ Bacon they attacked some friendly American Indians. The governor tried to stop him, but Bacon and his followers attacked and burned ________. They controlled most of the colony at one point, but after Bacon died of a fever the rebellion lost steam and ended.
Other Southern Colonies: Maryland was founded by the Second Lord Baltimore and named after English Queen Henrietta Maria. It was meant to be a refuge for English Catholics, which could not practice freely in England. Eventually Protestants arrived from England as well and it led to conflict. But Lord Baltimore passed a bill called the Toleration Act of 1649, which made it a crime to restrict the religious rights of Christians. The Carolinas and Georgia were also colonized, but primarily by farmers and debtors who were paying off their debts to England. Just as other Southern Colonies, their economies were based on Agriculture. Farming tobacco was very profitable, as well as Indigo. This was accomplished by colonial farmers and indentured servants initially, but as time went on more and more enslaved Africans were brought over to labor on the plantations.