PIAA BASKETBALL CONCERNS The following slides depict areas of concern that have surfaced from previous seasons:
ARRIVING AT GAME SITE Arrive at least one hour early. Dress appropriately. (Look professional) Check in with home Athletic Director (AD). Sit away from coaches to observe the game being played before your assignment. Watch prior game for at least one quarter. Free mind of work related concerns and personal matters.
ARRIVING AT GAME SITE (CON’T.) Focus on the game your observing and get acclimated to game conditions and lighting conditions. If the officials preceding your game ask you for comments, please comply with their request.
OFFICIALS PRE-GAME Always have a pre-game with fellow official (s) even if you worked with him/her previously. Should spend at least 15 minutes on pre-game. Cover areas of primary responsibilities. Review new rules.
OFFICIALS PRE-GAME (CON’T.) Three point coverage. Proper positions for pressing situations. Last shot responsibility. Resuming game procedure. Disqualification procedure.
ARRIVING ON THE FLOOR At least 15 minutes prior to game time. Observe warm-ups. (Look for illegal equipment and improper uniforms) Umpire observes home team and referee observes visitors. Count players on each team and report number to the referee.
ARRIVING ON FLOOR (CON’T.) Referee goes to the table at approximately the eleven minute mark. Referee checks number of players, proper numbers and identical numbers. Referee gives appropriate instructions to scorers and timers. Umpire moves to division line area and observes both teams’ warm-ups until referee returns to the sideline.
PRE-GAME MEETING WITH COACHES AND CAPTAINS There is only one pre-game meeting. Head coaches & captains must be present. Meeting should take place at the five minute mark, if both coaches are present on the floor. (If not, wait until they are) Meeting can be done at center court or the sideline. Sportsmanship message is read or stated verbatim at the pre-game meeting.
PROPER SIGNALS (MECHANICS) Use only approved NFHS (PIAA) signals. Do not deviate and use personal signals. Proper signals help us communicate with our partners, scorers,coaches,players,spectators and the media. Unauthorized signals are unacceptable.
END OF GAME Referee makes eye contact with scorer to ensure there are no problems. Officials leave the playing floor together. Head for the dressing room in a timely fashion. Do not make comments to the news media about the game. Walk together to your cars when you depart from the game site.
CONCERNS REGARDING MRSA METHACILLIN RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCAL AUREUS Coaches and officials need to be aware of this common bacterium that can exist on the body and upon competition surfaces. MRSA has developed a resistance to certain antibiotics. PIAA Sports Medicine Committee recommends the following measures to minimize the risk of MRSA.
MRSA PREVENTION MEASURES Shower after all activity. Wash all workout gear/uniforms after practices or competition. Clean sports equipment before practices or competition. Use liquid soap. Don’t share towels or hygiene products. Notify parents/coaches/health care professional of any skin sores, boils or abscesses.
DISQUALIFICATION PROCESS If you have to eject a player/coach or bench personnel from a contest, You MUST: Submit a DQ form to the PIAA Office within 24 hours citing the rule and actions under which the ejection occurred. Submit as many details as possible Forms are available on-line. A reminder; they are ejected for the remainder of the day and the next contest day, regardless of level of play.
DISQUALIFICATION PROCESS CONTINUED Failure to submit report in timely fashion may cause problems for schools; officials; PIAA and you. Failure to adhere may result in your probation or suspension. Cannot make ejection go away with no report. If eject; must report. No exceptions.
CONTINUING EDUCATION PIAA Board of Directors approved policy starting with the 2010 post regular season; PIAA registered sports’ officials must have attended Annual PIAA Officials’ convention in previous 5 years to receive consideration for post season assignments. Training; continuing education; professional growth.
GOOD LUCK – BEST WISHES Enjoy interscholastic athletics at its best. Enjoy the camaraderie of brother and sister officials. Promote participation in the interscholastic sports arena. Encourage others to get involved with interscholastic athletics – “The Best Game in Town”.
THANK YOU Joe Catanzaro PIAA Statewide Basketball Rules Interpreter Box 157, Del. Water Gap, PA (570) Dr. Robert Lombardi PIAA Associate Executive Director 550 Gettysburg Road P.O. Box 2008 Mechanicsburg, PA (800) (717)