Root Words ject = throw
eject Verb to throw out The referee will eject or throw out the basketball player after five fouls.
projector Noun a machine that throws an image onto a wall The projector makes things look bigger on the wall so everyone can see.
projectile Noun an object thrown into air with some force An eraser was the projectile that was thrown across the room.
dejected adjective To feel sad; to feel thrown down in spirit Jack always felt dejected when his team lost.
injection Noun A shot; the “throwing” of medicine into a body by a needle A doctor gives you a shot of medicine to help you feel better.
interjection noun a word thrown into a sentence or conversation The interjection was thrown into the conversation without warning.
jettison verb to throw goods overboard to lighten the load on a boat or an airplane We need to jettison this luggage so the boat doesn’t sink.
reject verb to throw something out because it is defective and can’t be used again The button factory will reject all round buttons because they only make square ones.
subject verb To throw oneself under someone else’s rule You are subject to your parents’ rules and expectations.
trajectory Noun the curved path of an object thrown into space The higher the paper airplane goes, the wider angle of the trajectory.