Spelling and Phonics Check work Grammar and Usage 1.Protected – past 2.Will meet – future 3.Looks – present guess- - present Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/) 1. Ex/plain 2. Un/cer/tain 3. Claims 4. Ras/cal 5. Un/pack 6. Rai/sin Geography 1.A system for mapping the round Earth on a flat surface 2.location Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots Root: ject = to throw 1. adjective- modifies a noun 2. conjecture- a guess 3. dejected- thrown out/away 4. eject- throw 5. injected- put in Vocab B * arctic Writer's Secret Commonly Confused Words 1.Affect 2.Advise 3.Bad, apprised 4.Assayed, essay Poetry Spelling and Grammar 1 Daily RevUps Week 7
Spelling and Phonics Check work Grammar and Usage 1.Ate – past 2.Grabbed – past 3.Dig- present 4.Crawled – past 5.Chewed - past Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/) 1. Ex/act 2. Con/tain 3. Stand/ard 4. Mar/gin 5. Ex/claim 6. Bar/gain Geography 1.Larger 2.Antarctica Prefixes/Suffixes/Ro ots 1. interjection- put in 2. project- plan or throw 3. projectile- thrown object 4. reject- not take Vocab Clammy, damp, steamy, sticky, wet * dry, parched, moisture-less Writer's Secret Commonly Confused Words 1.Base 2.Bass 3.Bass 4.base PoetryGrammar and Usage 1. Lucas’ cookie is sitting on his desk. 2. Lucas’ sister’s cookie is in her mouth. 3. One cookie is in William’s pocket. 4. Another cookie is in Ross’s drawer. 5. Lucas’ mother legs are short. 2 Daily RevUps Week 7
Spelling and Phonics Check work Grammar and Usage Present: I mow the lawn every week for my day. Past: Future: Check work Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/) 1.Cham/ber 2. Ob/tain 3. Raid 4. Vain 5. At/tain Geography 1.Asia 2.~32°S latitude, 16°E longitude Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots 1.Adjective 2.Dejected 3.Project 4.reject Vocab Near the tops Writer's Secret Commonly Confused Words 1.Bass 2.Base 3.Bass 4.Base 5.base Poetry Spelling and Grammar 1. Hurriedly 2. Ladies 3. Beautiful 4. Happiness 3 Daily RevUps Week 7
Spelling and Phonics Check work Grammar and Usage Present: Past: Future: I will climb the tallest oak tree tomorrow. check work Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/) 1.En/ter/tain 2. Staff 3. Ex/plained 4. At/tained 5. En/ter/tain/er Geography 1.Africa, Asia, South America, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean 2.Atlantic Ocean, Africa Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots Root: flu = to flow 1. affluent- rich 2. fluctuate- up and down 3. fluid- liquid 4. fluent- speak or read well 5. flume- waterfall Vocab C * green, thick, leafy, shiny, lush Writer's Secret. Commonly Confused Words 1.Because 2.Since 3.Because Poetry Spelling and Grammar 1. Preferred 2. Forgettable 3. Referred 4. Admitted 4 Daily RevUps Week 7
Spelling and Phonics Base end w/o vowel = able; w/vowel or no base = ible 1.comparable 2. Reversible 3. Honorable 4. Imaginable 5. Sensible 6. Profitable Grammar and Usage 1. Present: Past: We moved into this house five years ago. Future: Check work Spelling (/ā/ /ă/ /ī/ /ĭ/) 1.Un/packed 2. Con/tain/er 3. Rai/sins 4. Ras/cals 5. Rai/ded Geography 1.Hawaii 2.Mexico Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots 1. flush- wash out or rinse 2. influx- arrival 3. Mellifluous- smooth 4. superfluous- extra or not needed Vocab supports Writer‘s Secret Commonly Confused Words 1.Since 2.Because 3.Because 4.since Poetry Spelling and Grammar 5 Daily RevUps Week 7
6 Extensions Vocabulary Geography The Robinson projection map does a better job of showing that Australia is larger than Greenland. Greenland on a Mercator projection is exaggerated in size.