Computing Aesthetics Thinking Differently… Dereck Sonnenburg
Overview Purpose of our Project Modeling Examples My Dynamic Source Model and Targets My Static Source Model and Targets Recall: Architecture Theater 2-Dimensional Ideas for Future Deliverables Conclusion
Purpose of Project -To discover relationships Autumn -(is a) Color (Thank you Stephen) -Present these findings to others - New way of Learning
Modeling Examples Dynamic Models Flowchart Finite-State Machine FSMFSM Unified Modeling Language (UML) Static Models Entity-Relationship Diagram ER DiagramER Diagram Object Role Modeling (ORM)
My Dynamic Model The Dynamic Model: FSM of a VCR
Architecture Target Model Carnival Fun House You can take a tour much like a museum Elements within Fun House
Architecture Semantic Mapping Fun House Entertainment Form Enjoyable Functions / Features Stairs Progression Mirrors Frozen Moment No Motion StepEscalator Resting Point Time Saver Slide Regression VCR Functions Play Machine Entertainment Stop Fast Forward Rewind Pause No Motion Development Rest Point Time Saving Regression
FSM mapping to Architecture VCR Fun House VCR Off Entrance (Closed) VCR On Entrance (Open) Play Mode Stairs Stop Mode Step (Resting Point) Power Button Doorway Play Button Ticket Stop Button Person Standing Still FF Button Escalator RW Button Slide Pause Mirrors Eject Button Exit Door
Theater Target Model Chose Ballet as Genre to map to Definition Motions of Dancers Music Associated with the Ballet Example: NutcrackerNutcracker
Theater Semantic Mapping Ballet VCR Audience Patrons Production Stage Props Performers Actors Orchestra Dancers People Dance Body Movements Rest Forward Motion Backwards Motion Strings Woodwinds Percussion Machine Components Functions Play FF RW Pause Video Heads Entertainment Video Sports Dance
FSM mapping to Theater VCR Ballet VCR Off Empty Stage VCR On Dancers on Stage Play Mode Music Playing Stop Mode No Music Playing Power Button Dancers Entering Play Button Orchestra/Music Playing Stop Button Stand Still FF Button Fast Music (Defined by beats/minute) RW Button Slow Music (Defined by beats/minute) Pause Low Volume Music (Defined by Decibels) Eject Button Exiting Stage
Art Target Model Impressionistic Painting as Genre Impressionism Colors Associated with Paintings Example: William Glackens’ Mahone Bay Mahone Bay
Mapping of Painting VCR On Play Mode Stop / Standby Mode VCR Off
My Static Model The Static Model: ER Diagram of Airline PILOT Is Employed by AIRLINE AirplanePassenger Person flies In command of Is a Owns transports Tickets
Architecture Target Model Amusement Park Ride Elements of Amusement Park Motions and business similarities
Architecture Semantic Mapping Transports Roller Coaster Employees Ride operators Mechanics Engineers Amusement Park Tickets Entertaining Machine Components Track Loops Circuitry Safety Features Padded Seats Handle Bars transportation Airline Employees Flight Attendants Reservationist Mechanic Pilot Airplane Machine Wings Engine Components GaugesBusiness Entity
FSM mapping to Architecture Airline Amusement Park Ride Airline Amusement Park Pilot Ride Operator Airplane Roller Coaster Passenger Riders
Theater Target Model Comedian Stand-Up Performance Held in a Performing Center for the Arts Example: Chris Rock Bio Information
Theater Semantic Mapping Funny Comedic Performance Airline Person Performance Audience Pays for tickets Funny Jokes Not Funny Patrons Satisfaction Venue Employees Pilot Comedian Flight attendants Business Customers Buy Tickets Travel Airplanes
Theater Version of Model The Static Model: ER Diagram of Comedic Performance Comedian Is Employed by Venue/Auditorium PerformanceAudience Person tells In command of Is a Allows Entertains pays
Art Target Model Surrealism / illusions illusions Example: MC Escher’s Waterfall His Works
Mapping of Painting Airline Airplane Flight Course Customers
Future Deliverables Create the 3-D Models Foam Board and Balsa Wood Virtual Reality Have a Tour of Architecture Models Or Exploring Paintings
Conclusion Purpose of our endeavor Models and Understanding them Project Deliverables “Se non e vero, e ben trovato” Translation: “It may not be true, but it’s a great story.”