(1) arch- means chief; first Examples Archetype = original Archbishop = chief bishop Archeology = study of first people or ancient times
(2) be- means over; thoroughly Examples Bedaub = smear all over Befuddle = to confuse totally Beguile = totally charm or even deceive
(3) bi- means two Examples Bicycle = two-wheeled fun Biennial = every two years Bicameral = two groups/houses (like in congress)
(4) cata- means down Examples Catastrophe = disaster Cataract = waterfall Catapult = to hurl (throw down)
(5) circum- means around Examples Circumnavigate = travel all the way around the world Circumspect = cautious (looking around) Circumscribe = to limit (place a circle around)
(6) com-/con- means with; together Examples Combine = put together with Communicate = talk with Conference = meeting
(7) co-/col- means with; together Examples Coeditor = editor with another Collateral = connected with Collate = to put together
(8) Cor- means with; together Examples Correlate = to match up with Corroborate = to confirm; to verify
(9) Contra-/contro- means against Examples Contravene = conflict with Controversy = argument or dispute Contradictory = disagreeing with
(10) Demi- means partly; half Examples Demigod = partly a god Demitasse = small cup
(11) Di- means two Examples Dichotomy = split into two parts Dilemma = choice between two bad alternatives
(12) Dia- means across Examples Diameter = distance across the center of a circle Diagonal = distance across a figure Diagram = a drawn model
(13) Dis-/dif- means not; apart Examples Discord = not in harmony Differ = to disagree Disparity = not being equal; having a difference
(14) Dys- means faulty; bad Examples Dysfunctional = operate incorrectly Dyslexia = faulty ability to read Dyspepsia = indigestion
(15) Ex-/e- means out Examples Exit = to leave Expel = to drive out Extirpate = to root out Eject = to throw out
(16) Extra-/extro- means beyond;outside Examples Extracurricular = beyond the curriculum Extraterritorial = beyond a nation’s boundaries Extrovert = a person mostly interested in other people and things
(17) Hyper- means above; excessively Examples Hyperbole = exaggeration Hyperventilate = breathe very quickly
(18) Hypo- means beneath; lower Examples Hypoglycemia = low blood sugar Hypothyroid = low-functioning Hypodermic = beneath your skin
(19) in-/im- means not Examples Inefficient = not efficient or productive Inarticulate = can’t speak understandably Impeccable = not wrecked up; perfect
(20) il-/ir- means not Examples Illegible = not readable Irrelevant = doesn’t matter Irrevocable = can’t change it or “call it back”
(21) inter- means between; among Examples Intervene = come between International = between countries Interjection = a comment thrown in
(22) in-/im-/il-/ir- means in; on; upon; among Examples Invite = to call in Illustration = something that makes things clear Impression = have an effect upon someone’s opinion Irradiate = to shine upon
(23) intra-/intro- means within Examples Intramural = within a school Introvert = person who turns within himself
(24) macro- means large; long Examples Macrobiotic = prolonging life Macrocosm = the entire universe or “the big picture”
(25) mega- means great; million Examples Megalomania = delusions of grandeur/greatness Megaton = explosive force of a million tons of TNT Megaphone = makes your voice really loud
(26) meta- means involving change Examples Metamorphosis = a complete change of form Metacognition = a complete change of thinking
(27) micro- means small; miniature Examples Microcosm = miniature universe/world Microscopic = extremely small to look at Microbe = tiny organism
(28) mis- means bad; wrong Examples Misdemeanor = minor crime Mischance = unfortunate accident Misnomer = wrong name
(29) mis- means hatred Examples Misanthrope = person who hates mankind Misogynist = person who hates women
(30) mono- means one Examples Monarchy = government by one king or queen Monotheism = belief in one god Monopoly = one person/entity has complete ownership/control
(31) -able/-ible means capable of adj. Examples Portable = able to be carried Legible = able to be read Interminable = not able to be limited
(32) –ac/-ic means like or about adj. Examples Cardiac = about the heart Aquatic = about the water Dramatic = about drama
(33) –acious/-icious means full of adj. Examples Audacious = full of daring Perspicacious = full of mental perception Avaricious = full of greed
(34) -al [turns a noun into an adjective] Examples Maniacal = insane Final = the end of something Logical = clear and orderly thinking
(35) –ant/-ent means full of adj. or noun Examples Eloquent = full of fluid and effective speech Suppliant = a person full of requests Verdant = very (full of) green
(36) –ary means like, about, connected with adj. or noun Examples Dictionary = book about words Honorary = with honor Luminary = shiny person or object
(37) –ate means to make verb Examples Consecrate = to make holy Enervate = to make tired or weary Mitigate = to make less severe
(38) –ation means that which is noun Examples Exasperation = out of patience Irritation = annoyance Fascination = totally interested
(39) –cy means state of being noun Examples Democracy = government ruled by the people Obstinacy = being obstinate (stubborn) Accuracy = being accurate (correct)
(40) –eer/-er/-or means person who noun Examples Mutineer = person who rebels Teacher = person who teaches Censor = person who deletes improper content