Warm Up 1.How does Co2 contribute to global warming/climate change? 2.C02 comes from humans burning what? 3. What can we do to fix the problem?
Why Do We Care About Climate Change? What are some things you think climate change can affect negatively?
“Unless someone like you cares a whole, whole lot. It’s not going to get better, it’s not!” –Dr. Suess (The Lorax) Can we apply this to what we are learning about global warming?
Climate Change on Agriculture Deserts Higher temperatures accelerate desertification. The land becomes too dry to support agriculture. The lives and livelihoods of people are threatened. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: We will learn the effects of Earth’s global climate change.
Animals, Plants and Habitats at Risk Polar Regions Glaciers and ice shelves are melting. Sea levels will rise and many land areas may be under water. Rising seas could contaminate water supplies with salt. Warmer temperatures could widen the range of disease-carrying rodents and bugs Many species of wildlife may go extinct. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: We will learn the effects of Earth’s global climate change.
Animals, Plants and Habitats at Risk Coral Reefs Slight temperature changes in water can cause coral bleaching that is devoid of life. Higher temperatures cause the polyps to eject the algal tenants that are living within their tissues that provide the color and nutrients the coral need to survive. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: We will learn the effects of Earth’s global climate change.
Ocean Acidification b365-8cab109bbb57 b365-8cab109bbb57
Animals, Plants and Habitats at Risk Permafrost Global warming is causing an accelerated melting around the globe. Serious soil erosion can occur. Earth’s permafrost regions contain enormous quantities of trapped methane, a powerful greenhouse gas and other hydrocarbons. The release of large of large quantities of these gasses could create a feedback loop that would accelerate global warming. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: We will learn the effects of Earth’s global climate change.
Animals, Plants and Habitats at Risk African Elephant – shrinking of range and food supply Wild Salmon – melting permafrost pours mud into rivers, burying gravel needed for spawning Prickly Pear Cactus – warming related changes are causing disruptions in the life cycle of plants LEARNING OBJECTIVE: We will learn the effects of Earth’s global climate change.
Animals, Plants and Habitats at Risk Harlequin Frog – climate changes seem to make them more vulnerable to a deadly fungus Pinon Mouse – moving their homes to higher elevations Quiver Tree – dyeing off and moving southward Adelie Penguin, Polar Bears, Arctic Wolves – as polar ice melts, their habitats are endangered LEARNING OBJECTIVE: We will learn the causes and effects of Earth’s global climate change.
More Powerful Tropical Storms Over the past 35 years, the number of hurricanes each season has remained constant, but their average intensity has increased, with the number of category 4 and 5 storms (the most powerful) nearly doubling. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: We will learn the effects of Earth’s global climate change.
Health Risks Allergies Plants like ragweed and other pollen sources will flourish under the warmer conditions. Carriers Hot weather could make the global mosquito populations (carriers of Malaria) explode. Water Sources As rainfall levels increase, older cities run a risk that overflowing sewer lines may contaminate supplies of drinking water. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: We will learn the effects of Earth’s global climate change.
Make an Appointment! You will have 4 minutes to make 4 separate appointments with your classmates (12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00) You will have 6 minutes at each appointment. With your partner, you must answer the 3 questions on your appointment sheet (back of your notes) When I say go, you will start at your 12:00 appointment. DO NOT move to your next appt until I tell you to!
Climate Change Affects Biodiversity What is the cause and effect relationship between climate change and biodiversity? 1.Fill in the blank: As climate change INCREASES, then biodiversity DECREASES. 2.What is causing this problem? “Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere”
Climate Change Affects Biodiversity 3. What species are benefitting from climate change? Diseases & Pests, but most species will not be able to adapt in short amount of time. **To consider: Evolution takes millions of years, climate change isn’t giving nature enough time to adapt.**
Climate Change Means Ocean Change 1.What percentage of global warming is going into the ocean? 93.4% 2.Using John Crook’s the cup of coffee example, why are oceans not closely associated to climate change? “It takes time for a cup of coffee to release heat into the air, so it takes time for the ocean to release its heat into the atmosphere”
Climate Change Means Ocean Change 3.Using the Chart of Earth’s Total Heat Content, describe the heat content for land and water. Which holds more heat? Water is holding more heat than land Water has a higher specific heat capacity than land **REMEMBER: takes a long time to heat up BUT once its hot, it takes a long time to cool down**
Increasing Ocean Acidification 1.How does CO2 in the atmosphere affect oceans? CO2 reacts with the water, changing the seas water chemistry, producing carbonic acid. 2.How much more acidic is the ocean compared to the pre-industrial era? Why is this important? 30%, it is bad because it removes carbonate ions, which marine life needs to survive.
Increasing Ocean Acidification 3.What role does plankton play in climate change? Plankton are responsible for “sequestration” (which means the action of taking forcible possession of something; confiscation) of the CO2 absorbed by the ocean. So it takes 25-50% of the CO2 in the ocean, helping minimize the effects of CO2 in the oceans
Climate Change Causing Global Mass Coral Bleaching 1.What does coral bleaching result in? White, dead-looking, coral that is supposed to be colorful and rich with marine life. 2.Is bleaching new? How is it different today? It is not new, but it is becoming a mass phenomena on a very large scale. It represents a whole new level of coral reef decline.
Climate Change Causing Global Mass Coral Bleaching 3. What does the future look like for coral reefs? If climate change does not stop, coral bleaching with steadily increase in frequency. Eventually in , it will occur annually (every year).
Frayer Model Natural Causes of Global Warming Human Causes of Global Warming Impacts (effects) of Global Warming Solutions to Global Warming Global Warming
Exit Ticket Effects of Climate Change on the Biosphere 1.Fill in the blank: As climate change ______, then biodiversity ______. 2.What is Ocean Acidification? How does it connect to climate change? 2.Is the problem with Coral Bleaching improving or worsening? Explain why.