F REAK THE MIGHTY Vocabulary Week 1
M ONDAY, A UGUST 26 Copy down these definitions on a new bellwork paper. 1. aberration (noun) A state or condition markedly different from the norm. 2. bloated (adjective) Become swollen or puff up. 3. confirm (verb) Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts. 4. converge (verb) Be adjacent or come together. 5. deficiency (noun) The state of needing something that is absent or unavailable.
M ONDAY, AUGUST 26 TH 6. deprive (verb) 1. Keep from having, keeping, or obtaining. 2. Take away. 7. divulged (verb) Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret. 8. evasive (adjective) 1. Deliberately vague or ambiguous. 2. Skillful at eluding capture. 9. expel (verb) 1. Put out from a place. 2. Remove from a position or office. 10. gruel (noun) A thin porridge of usually oatmeal or cornmeal.
T UESDAY, A UGUST 27 Draw an illustration or picture of: 1. Something that is bloated. 2. Two things that are converging.
T UESDAY, AUGUST 27 TH Draw an illustration or picture of: 1. A person being evasive. 2. Someone or something being expelled.
W EDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 TH Write out each of the three synonyms and then label with the correct vocabulary word. 1. withhold, rob, refuse: ___________________ 2. erupt, eject, banish: ____________________ 3. uphold, ratify, support: _________________
W EDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 TH Use the following words in sentences: 1. Gruel 2. Deficiency 3. Confirm
T HURSDAY, A UGUST 29 TH Use the following words in sentences: 1. Aberration 2. Bloated 3. Deprive
T HURSDAY, A UGUST 29 TH Write out each of the three synonyms and then label with the correct vocabulary word. 1. evade, elude, escape: ____________________ 2. join, merge, unify: _______________________ 3. porridge, slop, food: _____________________