PIAA Football Concerns The following slides depict areas of concern for the upcoming football season.
Proper Uniform The proper uniform for PIAA Registered Football Officials is clearly defined in the Annual PIAA Pre-Season Football Bulletin. Shoes must be SOLID BLACK AND SHINED. SHIRTS AND PANTS MUST BE CLEAN PRESSED AND NEAT!!
Proper Uniform (cont’d) Cold weather pants (black) should be tailored to give a more custom made appearance. These are now available for purchase through vendors such as OfficiallySports. They may be worn as a crew at anytime of the season as long as all crew members are dressed alike.
PIAA Sportsmanship Message Must be read or recited VERBATIM to Head Coaches and Captains. Head Coaches MUST certify their team is legally equipped by NFHS Football Rules and PIAA Adoptions. Failure to do so indicates the officials will promote selective enforcement of rules.
Selective Enforcement of Rules Officials MUST enforce all rules as adopted by the PIAA Board of Directors. If officials do not agree with rules, they still must enforce them as written. Official SHALL NOT have selective enforcement of what they think the rules should be. There is a formalized process for changing Rules; please follow it.
Prohibition on Contact with the Helmet Direct helmet-to-helmet contact and any other contact both with and to the helmet must be eliminated. The No.1 responsibility for game officials must be player safety. There must be a concentrated focus on consistently enforcing the existing rules.
Disqualification Process When ejecting personnel - You MUST: Submit a DQ form to the PIAA Office within 24 hours citing the rule and actions under which the ejection occurred. Do not editorialize!! Understand that Superintendents, Principals, Athletic Directors, and Students will be reading your submission. Forms are available on-line at
Disqualification Process (cont’d) Failure to submit report in timely fashion may cause problems for schools; officials; PIAA and you. Failure to adhere may result in your probation or suspension. Cannot make ejection go away with no report. If eject; must report. No exceptions.
Disqualification Process (cont’d) Each school’s AD and Principal MUST meet with the ejected coach or contestant and detail in a report what corrective action has been taken. This report MUST be signed by all parties and sent to their respective, district football chairman.
PIAA Adoptions Listed in Annual Pre-Season Football Bulletin. Cannot change; just enforce. DO NOT MODIFY – if desire change follow process as previously stated.
Communication Devices Coaches, players and non-players permitted Any form of available communication technology during authorized conferences Outside the 9-yard marks, on the sidelines and during the halftime intermission period.
Definition of a Catch An airborne player who has forward progress stopped inbounds And is carried out of bounds by an opponent before contacting the ground Awarded a catch at the spot of forward progress.
Extended Quarters Officials are not authorized to remain on the field in an officiating capacity if schools agree to play extended quarters. This is contrary to proper playing time for junior high and senior high competition. May place officials in liability jeopardy.
Helmetless Players Helmet-less player shall not block, tackle Participate beyond the immediate action in which the player is engaged when the helmet came completely off The penalty would be a live-ball, basic-spot foul.
Pass Interference Penalties Revised Removes the automatic first down for defensive pass interference Removes the loss of down for offensive pass interference The 15-yard penalty provision remains for both fouls.
Eye Shade Must be worn as a single, solid stroke under the eye. No numbers, words, logos, symbols or other detail permitted in the eye shade. Shall not extend below the cheek bone and extend no further than the width of the eye socket.
Sideline Enforcement There is a team box and a restricted area for teams and coaches. ENFORCE IT – NO EXCEPTIONS!! Too many near misses for wing officials as well as allowing coaches on the field. Clean up the sideline – your games will be better for it.
Check PIAA Website During the season, we often put together an updated rules bulletin on calls, or questions, that have occurred. Please check the football page, or the officials’ section of the PIAA website, for updated in-season information.
Good Luck Best Wishes Enjoy interscholastic athletics at its best. Enjoy the camaraderie of brother and sister officials. Promote participation in the interscholastic sports arena. Encourage others to get involved with interscholastic athletics – “The Best Game in Town”.
Thank you. Charles “Buss” Carr PIAA Statewide Football Rules Interpreter 160 Mill Road Selinsgrove, PA Ph. 570/ Mr. Patrick B. Gebhart Assistant Executive Director 550 Gettysburg Road PO Box 2008 Mechanicsburg, PA Ph. 800/ or 717/