Put the memory card in the appropriate disk drive, and ensure there is a blank CD- R in the compact disc drive.
Double click the Easy CD Creator icon to start the process.
The project selector window will appear. Click here
Of the 3 choices that appear, select dataCD.
This is the new screen that will appear
Click on the drop down arrow and select the drive where the memory card or files are located. In this case we are using drive E: (Flash Memory card reader).
The first folder to appear is the DCIM. Double click it to expose the next folder.
In this case the camera used was a Nikon so we have to double click another folder to get to our files.
Yes, these are the file we want. And yes they just happen to be hidden behind the next step. Our next step is to click on Edit and then “Select All.”
Now all of the files are highlighted. Just click Add, once highlighted to move the files to the record area. You are now ready to record.
Click here
When finished click OK
You will be asked if you want to save your work. For now lets say yes.
Type in the case number and select Save. And that is it. You can now shut down the program, or continue if you have more files.
Lets say you wanted to make multiple copies of the disc for review. Just return to the Project Selector screen and select “disc copier.”
You only have one CD drive so both the Copy from and Record to drives will be the same. Just click copy.
The files are now being copied to a temporary drive on the computer.
When finished copying the original disc will eject and the above window will appear. Insert a new blank CD- R and select “Retry.”
This window will show the progress of the new recording
Just click OK when finished
If you want to, you can verify the files by entering Windows Explorer and selecting the Compact Disc drive. To delete the files on the memory card; select the memory card drive, highlight all of the files for destruction, and select delete. This will erase all of the pictures and prepare the card for its next user.