Discover ACP It's Easier than Ever to Hire Temp Labor
Discover ACP Presenter: Angel Alberto Rodriguez Serrano
Discover ACP The Ariba Category Procurement (ACP) module provides an electronic process for collaborating with customers when providing services such as temporary labor resources. ACP leverages Ariba Buyer (eMall) requisitioning, workflow, and buysense org extensions to provide a seamless experience to buyers, and leverages vendor Ariba Supplier Network (ASN) accounts as a means for vendors to collaborate with buyers during the proposal process. This is referred to as Collaborative Requisitioning.
Discover ACP Collaborative Requisitioning allows buyers and vendors to work together through a request/proposal process which results in a requisition line item with specific details such as the name of a contractor and an hourly rate. When a buyer adds a collaboration line item to a requisition, a Collaboration Request is available to each invited vendor and a notification is sent to them through the Ariba Supplier Network (ASN).
Discover ACP State Contracts Available in ACP Medical - Temporary Medical Employment Services 9 different position groups, with a total of 44 different positions. General Labor - Temporary Personnel Services (VAPP). Contains 247 labor categories. Consulting Services - Contains 15 labor categories and total of 30 vendors.
Discover ACP State Contracts Available in ACP Consulting Services: 1. Strategic Planning 2. Performance Management/Balanced Scorecard 3. Process Assessment Improvement 4. Communications Assessments 5. Customer Service Programs 6. Change Management 7. Executive Coaching 8. Facilitation 9. Organizational Design 10. Organizational Strategies 11. Financial Service Management 12. Business Process Analysis and Reengineering 13. Work Force Planning and Development 14. Risk Management & Internal Controls Standards 15. Continuity of Operations (Coop) Planning
Discover ACP Creating, Submitting, Collaboration request and accepting a Vendor’s Proposal
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Discover ACP Time Sheets
A time sheet is used to track the hours worked by a temp employee while under contract. Your organization may ask you to create a time sheet for the temp employee or have the temp employee submit a time sheet. The approver (usually the work supervisor) receives an notification to review the time sheet. The approver reviews the time sheet and can approve or deny it. The steps and actions involved in the overall process of creating/approving a time sheet (details are included in this user guide). The approver (usually the work supervisor) creates a time sheet on your behalf of the temp employee Submits it for approval. The approver receives an notification to review the time sheet. The approver reviews the time sheet and approves it.
Discover ACP Consulting Medical & General Labor User Feedback
Discover ACP Creating, Submitting, Collaboration request for Consulting Services
Discover ACP Consulting Collaboration Request Header Information
Discover ACP Consulting Header
Discover ACP Consulting ACP Consulting Line Types 1.Default Consulting Resource Line 2.Milestone Line 3.Non Recurring or Fixed expense lines 4.Recurring expense Line
Default Consulting Resource Line - Use this line to specify a consulting to specify a proposed consulting labor resource. For each consulting line added to a requisition the Buyer will enter details to define the type of resource (such as Consultant or Programmer) needed, the work location, dates needed and number the hours each resource is needed. Discover ACP Consulting ACP Consulting Line Types
Discover ACP Consulting ACP Line Item Type. Resource Line
Milestone Line - Use this line to specify a payment trigger or deliverable. Vendors can specify engagement milestones using milestone lines. These lines capture information about the milestone and any fee associated with its delivery. The buyer has the option to indicate whether or not a milestone line should be itemized, allowing the vendor to propose supporting details. Discover ACP Consulting ACP Line Item Types.
Discover ACP Consulting ACP Line Item Type. Milestone
Non Recurring or Fixed expense Lines - Use this line to specify a project expense. Vendors can indicate an expense that the buyer will incur as part of an engagement, such as a licensing fee. Information about the type of expense incurred and the amount is recorded on this type of line. Discover ACP Consulting ACP Line Item Types.
Discover ACP Consulting ACP Line Item Type. Non Recurring or Fixed
Recurring expense Line - Recurring expense lines are used by the vendor to propose an expense on an engagement that will occur more than once, such as an expense associated with an on-site visit. Vendors can specify the number of time an expense will occur. Discover ACP Consulting ACP Line Item Types.
Discover ACP Consulting ACP Line Item Type. Recurring Expense
Milestone Trackers is the mechanism used to receive against a milestone line. Each tracker asks the buyer to specify whether or not the milestone has been received. Once submitted and approved, the milestone tracker cannot be edited and the line is considered fully received. The line is considered fully received even if the milestone tracker is set to No. The buyer indicates a Verifier on each Milestone Line. The Verifier is the user that will have access to submit a milestone tracker for a milestone line. Similar to receipts, comments and attachments can be added to milestone trackers. Discover ACP Consulting ACP Consulting Milestone Trackers
Discover ACP Consulting What’s next? 1. Contact your Account Executive 2. We will meet with your organization and discuss your needs 2. Schedule an implementation date 3. Configure the module to fit your needs 4. Provide buyer training and support 5. Assist as needed during the first collaborations
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