AAE450 Project Aquarius Breanne Wooten 1 Breanne Wooten Week 10*: March 22 th, 2007 Human Factors/Integration/APM Mars Taxi Emergency Airbag Update Final Presentation TC/CC Slide *Presented during Week 9
AAE450 Project Aquarius Breanne Wooten 2 Mars Taxi Emergency Airbags Impact Loading decreased to 15 G’s –Maximum amount structure can handle Impact Velocity increased to 12 m/s –Increased airbag stroke to half the airbag height Model by Steve Kassab ComponentMass (kg) Airbags11.75 Air0.006 Other8.24 Total20
AAE450 Project Aquarius Breanne Wooten 3 TC/CC Final Presentation Used to transport crew from: –LEO-HEO, HMO-MS and vice-versa Designed for a 4 person crew for 4 days Earth Heat Shield Tank Storage Crew Area Parachute Stowage Area Hatch
AAE450 Project Aquarius Breanne Wooten 4 References [1] Bown, Nicholas W., Matthew G. Darley. “Advanced Airbag Landing Systems for Planetary Landers.” AIAA Paper , 2005 [2] Hanford, Anthony J. Ph.D., Advanced Life Support Baseline Values and Assumptions Document. NASA-Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Houston, Texas [3] Larson W.J, and Linda Pranke. Human Spaceflight: Mission Analysis and Design. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Crawfordsville. [4] Man-Systems Integration Standards. NASA-STD Revision B. NASA- Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. July Last updated: 6/15/05. [5] Taylor, Anthony P., Phillip R., “An Overview of the Landing System for the K-1 Launch Vehicle, Parachutes and Airbags.” AIAA Paper , 1997.
AAE450 Project Aquarius Breanne Wooten 5 Mars Taxi Escape Tower Airbag - Stoke Equation used to find the stoke of the airbag (ref 1) To find the max stoke, assume the force of the parachute f p is zero. F is the maximum force allowed (20G’s) and v is the maximum velocity allowed (6.67m/s). This results in a stoke of m. The vertical distance of the area bag must be more than the maximum stoke.
AAE450 Project Aquarius Breanne Wooten 6 Mars Taxi Escape Tower Airbag - Geometry m 2.0 m ° Circular X-section r = 0.5m
AAE450 Project Aquarius Breanne Wooten 7 Surface Area of Main Airbag ≈ 6π/√(3)*(R 2 -r 2 ) = 40.8 m 2 R – Radius of Torus, r – x-section radius Mass of Main Airbag = SA*(ρ vectran + ρ silicon ) = kg Volume of Main Airbag = 2π 2 Rr 2 = m 3 Mass of Nitrogen needed: m = PVM/(RT) = 1.34 kg Surface Area of Aux. Bag = 4 πR 2 = 3.14 m 2 (R = 0.5 m) Mass of Aux. Airbag = SA*(ρ vectran + ρ silicon ) = kg Volume of Aux. Airbag = 4/3 πR 3 = Mass of Nitrogen needed: m = PVM/(RT) = 0.15 kg Total Airbag Mass = = 9.4 kg Mars Taxi Escape Tower Airbag - Mass
AAE450 Project Aquarius Breanne Wooten 8 List of TC/CC Components Consumables Oxygen Food Water Life Support Nitrogen (for pressurization) O 2 tanks LiOH Canisters Water Storage Waste Disposal Hardware Airlock Earth Heat Shield Deployable Parachute System Thermal Control System Accommodations Personal Hygiene Kit Hygiene Supplies Stowage Disposable Wipes Trash Bags Operational Supplies Restraints and mobility aids Tools Sleep Restraints Chairs For Mass, Power, Volume of components see TCCC_MPV spreadsheet