Families in Focus, Early Help & Public Health Chris Wilford & Dr Mark Pietroni South Gloucestershire Children, Adults & Health Department
Families in Focus Delivering the Troubled Families Initiative in South Gloucestershire Worklessness & Early Help Chris Wilford
Understanding TFI Data: Using data to target households with issues of crime, ASB, poor educational outcomes & worklessness Delivery: Develop Family Intervention Services that take whole family approaches to tackling multiple high cost issues within families, Transformation: Strategically change the culture of service delivery to embed multi-agency Family Intervention with cross agency buy in & finance
What’s ‘driven’ Troubled Families Reaction to the 2010 riots? Policy that carries on from ‘Think Family’? Reduce re-active through more effective delivery of services.
Families in Focus in South Gloucestershire Demographics: Central Government Target 295
Demographics Over representation of Traveller families & families with a Dual Heritage background php. A FiF is x2 more likely to be in PN. However 70% of our families don’t live in PN. 3 wards with greatest concentration are Yate Central, Frenchay/Stoke Park & Patchway 60% of our families live in social housing, 19% private rented, 17% owner occupier.
Focusing on employment 210 of our 296 families meet the worklessness criteria A total of 123 adults out of work 79 young people being support by YISS who are NEET or at risk of NEET
Employment as the key to long term change? Culture change; a DCLG & DWP drive to increase collaboration & data share between JCP & LA’s Strong local JCP Support Seconded JCP advisor in FISS Benefits advice & the right advice, why it matters 2 early examples.
Troubled Families: Early Intervention?
Conclusions & challenges TFI ‘a strategy to join up services & reduce missed opportunities’ is it a long term solution? Longer term solution for these families doesn’t stand on its own, but requires a collaboration of agencies efforts & resources & a re-think Phase 2 of TFI, Early Intervention & the input of Public Health
But Is the TFI intervention too late?
We know early intervention works Length of breastfeeding protects against type 1 developing diabetes Mental Health
It pays too...
Family Nurse Partnership First time mums under 18 years Programme stops when child reaches 2 years Structured home visits by a nurse
Proven benefits improvements in antenatal health reductions in children’s injuries, neglect and abuse improved parenting practices and behaviour fewer subsequent pregnancies and greater intervals between births improved early language development, school readiness and academic achievement increased maternal employment and reduced welfare use increases in fathers’ involvement