“Doing The Same Things Differently” Defence Adaptive Sport and Adventurous Training “Battle Back helps you re-discover yourself!” “A MOD-initiative - part of the Army-led Defence Recovery Capability - supported by two Service Charity / Third Sector Key Partners, Help for Heroes and The Royal British Legion, via a programme of inclusive Adaptive Sport and Adventurous Training activities with a week-long Multi-Activity Course as Main Effort and a mandatory Core Recovery Event in the Individual Recovery Plans of the Army’s Wounded, Injured and Sick”
Trust + Achieve a Goal
Stirling 51(Scot) Bde X Lisburn 38 (Irish) Bde Preston 42 (NW) Bde X X York 15 (NE) Bde X 49 (E) Bde X Shrewsbury 143 (WM) Bde X Brecon 160 (W) Bde X Aldershot 145 (S) Bde X Tidworth 43 (Wx) Bde X London LONDIST XX BFG XX Devonport Hasler Coy Defence Recovery locations Edinburgh Colchester Sennelager BattleBack Centre Catterick RAF PRU Tidworth
“The Offer”: training supporting Individual Recovery Plans ●Expert Armed Forces’ + contractor Leeds Metropolitan University’s Carnegie Faculty (LMUCF) support for target audience: 1200 x Wounded, Injured + Sick (WIS) “Battle Backers” (possibly 2700 overall) Battle Back Centre: 24 x 1-week courses for 24 x Battle Backer (16 x bedroom are Equality / Disability Act compliant) These 24 x 1-week Multi-Activity Courses are our “Main Effort" ●External national + global training via overall BB Programme ●Focus: voluntary “Challenge by Choice” activities in an innovative and flexible programme are NOT “euphoric but useless” but “Mentoring”. ●Qualifications: Institute of Leadership Management (ILM) via LMCF Contractors. This is equivalent to GCSE grade A* to C. ●Bid for 2012 Olympics’ “kit” swimming pool tbc by Sport England. ●Elite / Paralympian: a “gladiatorial fringe benefit”.
Recovery Pathway via Individual Recovery Plans Assessment Course Life Skills Battle Back (DA/ISAT) -Motivation -AT -Sport -Culture Discharge Assessment -HARDFACTS Coordination with: Regiment, Family, Patient Group Clinical Welfare Learning and Development e.g. Battle Back Employment RTD Pers- onnel Aid INFLOW OUTFLOW RECOVERY Assignment Board Transition to Civilian Life Main Effort Return to Duty DRC Cornerstones: -Command -Partnership -Assessment -Employment
Stoke Mandeville + Headley Court ●Sir Ludwig Guttmann ●WW2 Veterans ●Spinal Injuries ●Military Instructors ●Paralympics since 1948
Freedom to be yourself: Challenge and Letting Go!
“We all have it somewhere. This course has unlocked the potential to succeed again…” “What a week! Could not have asked for better company. Truly inspired and opened my eyes!” “Strangers at the start, true friends at the end!” “Best week in my career. Staff are awesome…” “Battle Back helps you re-discover yourself!” “It’s all about the blokes and ‘blokesses’”