Stoke Park Rangers Summer Soccer School The Hub, Bishopstoke 18 th August – 22 nd August am-4pm This summer, Stoke Park Rangers are offering children aged 7, 8 & 9 the opportunity to attend their Soccer School. The Soccer School is a great way for children of all abilities to improve their footballing skills, make new friends and have lots of fun! Benefits of our Summer School – Learn lots of new skills Improve your footballing ability Work as a team & make friends Improve confidence Run by fully qualified, CRB checked coaches Qualified first aider present at all times All coaches are trained in child protection Award ceremony on the last day where all children will receive at least 1 medal and a certificate Cost – Day rateWeekly rate Stoke Park Rangers registered player£7£25 Non Stoke Park registered player£12£50 For more information or to register for the Summer School please visit or contact by 1 st August 2014
Stoke Park Rangers Summer Soccer School Please ensure that children arrive by 10am each day Each child will need either trainers or astro boots, as well as shin pads. A water bottle is also required. This can be refilled throughout the day. Anyone interested in playing as a goalkeeper should bring their gloves Please ensure your child brings a packed lunch each day A Club tuck shop will be available to the children each day. Prices are – bottled energy drinks £1, bottled water 70p, chocolate bar 50p Once your application has been processed and payment made, no refund can be given Course Details Payment needs to be made via no later than 17 th August th August – 22 nd August 2014 The Hub, Bishopstoke 10am-4pm
Stoke Park Rangers Summer Soccer School Application Form Full course Single dayPlease indicate days Mon/Tues/Weds/Thr/Fri Are you a SPR registered player?YesNo Childs Name: Parent/Guardians Name: Address: Postcode: Contact Telephone Number: Mobile Number: Address: Childs Date of Birth: Age: Gender:MaleFemale Please record any allergies, illnesses or disabilities and how this may affect your child’s ability to take part in activities – Form completed by: Date: