SUCCESSFUL SCIENCE Network Meeting November 17th 2014
Overview for the afternoon… Session 1: Catch-up Session 2: Resources/Drop in sessions Break Session 3: Assessment- What’s Out There?
Session 1: Catch-up
How ready are you for the new Science Curriculum?
Session 2: Next steps…
Introducing DB Primary… sciencecore4
RESOURCES Task 1: Search internet websites for current resources for a year group’s topic. Create a new folder and save any good resources you find. Task 2: Produce a list of useful websites for your phase. Split into Teacher Resources and Pupil Resources (e.g. interactive games/ activities)
As part of our reforms to the national curriculum, the current system of ‘levels’ used to report children’s attainment and progress will be removed from September 2014 and will not be replaced. By removing levels we will allow teachers greater flexibility in the way that they plan and assess pupils’ learning. The programmes of study within the new National Curriculum (NC) set out expectations at the end of each key stage, and all maintained schools will be free to develop a curriculum relevant to their pupils that teaches this content. The curriculum must include an assessment system which enables schools to check what pupils have learned and whether they are on track to meet expectations at the end of the key stage, and to report regularly to parents. DFE National Curriculum and Assessment from September 2014: Information for Schools
Session 3: ASSESSMENT -What’s Out There?
Assessment Resources…
Beth Budden
East Riding Council
York Council Available on Science Core 4 documents
Contact List
Any Questions? Julie- Luci-