Rider 97: ◦ Funds appropriated with the intent to advance heart attack and stroke reduction efforts throughout Texas ◦ Texas Council of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke allocated distribution of funds
$ 5 Million were allocated ◦ $ 4.5 Million allocated to the Lone Star Stroke Consortium to conduct research through the UT Health System ◦ $.5 Million will be allocated for Stroke and Stemi data collection
RACS will be allocated $3,000 per year for 2 years. 2014; 2015 $3,000 will be added to the RACS tobacco fund per year dependent on deliverables RACS will collect and report data to the Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Program of DSHS
DSHS will analyze the data and report results of the analyses to RACs (with RAC input on how this should be done) and the Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke. In order to prevent duplication of data entry and the cost involved with creating a new registry, existing national data bases, used by many hospitals in Texas, will be utilized.
This is a data collection initiative to determine the extent of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke throughout the State of Texas This data will be analyzed and results will be presented to the next legislative session to try and have more funds allocated in the reduction of cardiovascular disease and stroke in Texas.
Stroke/STEMI data report for January through March and April through June 2014 data. Submit report by August 31, 2014.
Number of acute suspected stroke runs Number of stroke runs <2 hrs and Number of stroke runs between 2 and 7 hrs Total number of acute stroke transfers to higher level of service Total number of patients receiving IV fibrinolytics (tPA) (stroke designated hospitals)
Total number of patients receiving endovascular treatments (stroke designated hospitals) Total number of Acute Stroke Admissions (stroke designated hospitals) Total number of patients receiving IV fibrinolytics (tPA) (non-designated hospitals)
Total number of patients receiving endovascular treatments (non-designated hospitals Total number of Acute Stroke Admissions (non-designated hospitals) Total number of STEMI runs Total number of STEMI runs with 12 lead ECGs transmitted Total number of STEMI runs < 30 minutes
Submit a copy of your RAC transport plan by August 15 th, Submit an update on any stroke education programming in your RAC for January through June 2014 by August 15 th, Complete a survey on the STEMI system of care and submit to DSHS Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Program. Survey will be sent via to RACs.
The collected data will be sent to the RAC office. There already exist a stroke registry for RAC – G. It will be revised to meet the requested data points
Thank You!!