Patient Engagement in Commissioning Dave Sanzeri, Head of Commissioning, Transforming Community Services & Long Term Conditions Suzanne Findler, Commissioning Manager, Transforming Community Services & Long Term Conditions
Our vision is to be a clinically-led, commissioning organisation that: Puts patients first, and in this Puts carers first, and then Puts the public first Our Vision – Our Logo
This approach improves health outcomes Good involvement ensures consistent, high quality health care Getting it right for patients, carers and the public always keeps bureaucracy to a minimum and Everything we have learnt says good engagement delivers best value for money. Clinical Commissioning Groups have a legal obligation to involve patients Guidance to GP Commissioners emphasises that CCG is accountable for public participation CCG has a duty to involve and consult communities in the planning and development of services The NHS Constitution underpins patient experience and emphasises patient centred care where there is “No decision about me, without me”. Why is this important to Stoke-on-Trent CCG?
Why is it really important to Stoke-on-Trent CCG? We are committed to empowering patients using customer insight and patient experience to drive meaningful service improvement.
Community Neurology Service Patients told us: “we want our care delivered in the community” “we want a say in our care plan” “we want you to invest more in community services, not acute services” “we know what works in our care and we need to see more of this delivered and less too and fro from the hospital
How did we engage? How do we continue to engage? Design of service model Preparing for the business response from providers Evaluation Panel Neurology Clinical Network We didn’t commission because YOU advised us not to ………..
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