By Dr. Neema A. Aboushady
At the end of this lecture the students will be able to: 1-Describe emergency care as a holistic concept that includes the patient, the family, and significant others. 2-Describe emergency resuscitation measures. 3-Describe the emergency management of patient with hemorrhage due to trauma and hypovolemic shock.
4- Describe the emergency management of patient with intra abdominal injuries. 5-Compare the immediate management of patient with fracture to long term management. 6- Describe the emergency management of patient with heat stoke cold injuries, and anaphylactic reaction. 7-Specify the emergency management of patients with swallowed,inhaled,and injected poisons, snakebites, and food poison.
8-Describe the emergency management of patients with drug abus and those with alcohol abuse. 9-Differentiate between the emergency care of patients who are overactive, violent or depressed, and suicidal. 10-Describe the significance of crises intervention in the care of the rape victim.
Nursing emergency conditions The nursing process in the emergency department. Psychological management of patient and families in emergency and crisis situation. Approaching the patient. Approaching the family. Post traumatic stress disorder
Priorities and principles of emergency management Priorities of emergency management Principle of emergency management Emergency resuscitation Measures Establish an airway Control hemorrhage Emergency management
Control hypovolemic shock Clinical manifestation Emergency management Wounds Assessment Emergency management
Trauma: Intra abdominal injuries Blunt abdominaltrauma Crush injuries Multiple injuries Fractures
Temperature emergencies; Heat stroke Cold injuries Anaphylactic reaction. Poisoning: Ingested (swallowed) poisons Inhaled poisons Skin contamination poison
Injected poison: Stinging insect. Snakebites Food poisoning Substance abuse Drug abuse Care of the rape victim
Smeltzer Suzanne C&Bare Brenda G,Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing th ed.Lippincottcomp.Philadelphia. ISBN:
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