Created by Jack Schetter Major: Health Promotion and Fitness Management
Intended for physically active individuals ages 18 and up looking to learn and improve their body composition through nutrition! Scientific based research Question? me at
What you’re about to hear… May go against traditional views you’ve followed May go against what you believe Based off relevant empirical evidence! Keep an open mind! If you want to see the research me!
Main Focus Points Macronutrients vs. Micronutrients Basics Meal Frequency? Post workout nutrition Tracking your Macronutrients Carbohydrate break down Fiber, Fiber, Fiber How to lose weight?! Why isn’t this working?!
Proteins Carbohydrates Fats/Lipids Build, growth repair. 4 cals/gram Provide Energy 4 cals/gram Protect cells, energy, proper hormone functioning 9 cals/gram
How much protein should I be consuming? For Physically Active individuals Dependent on your own goals Muscle Building = 1 gram per pound of body weight 150lb male = 150 grams of protein Based off a 24 hour period
Also dependent on ones goals. General rule of thumb – 2 grams per pound of body weight. For over weight individuals this may not be necessary. Trial and Error How many carbohydrates should I be taking in?
Differ in vitamins, minerals, and satiety body composition However, all are the same when it comes to body composition Glycemic index (GI) - ranking of carbohydrates Based on the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels Does not effect body composition! Science of Nutrition - Carbohydrates Science of Nutrition - Carbohydrates
Not all fats are the same! Certain fats help promote good health Around.25 grams per pound of body weight Potentially Harmful Fats =1.) Saturated fats 2.)Trans fats Raises Total Blood Cholesterol Increase Risk of Cardiovascular disease Potentially Helpful Fats = 1.) Monounsaturated 2.) Polyunsaturated Fats Improves blood cholesterol levels Can help decrease your risk of heart disease How many grams of fat should I be consuming?
Indigestible portion of plant foods 1.)Soluble (dissolves in water) 2.) Insoluble (does not dissolve in water) Helps lower blood cholesterol Helps lower risk of diabetes and heart disease
Vitamins, Minerals, trace elements… Required by humans in smaller quantities Responsible for physiological functions in the body Whole rich foods (fruits and vegetables) dense in micronutrients
Many believe eating smaller meals more frequently will… Increase one’s metabolism Burn more calories through digestion Help burn fat Save one from entering “starvation mode” Stoke the metabolic furnace
1.) Thermic Effect of Food Total amount of energy needed to digest and absorb nutrients 2.) Basal Metabolic Rate Amount of energy required by an individual in a resting state Not Effected by how often you eat Dictated by overall macronutrient intake Meal Frequency Study
Post workout shakes? Previous studies based off fasted individuals Most pre-workout meals last into your workouts Nutrient timing not as important Overall *macronutrient intake* is key If it helps you to hit macronutrient goals… go for it! “I gotta get my shake in!!!”
Used to help supplement your diet Be careful for scams Help to achieve your goals Do your research to save $ Always consult with your doctor Jack’s Top Three 1.)Multivitamin: Essential for good health (micronutrients) 2.) Protein Powders: Convenient to help reach macronutrient need 3.) Fish Oils: Healthy fats with many benefits
My Fitness Pal Tracks Calories Track Macronutrient intake Tracks Dietary Fiber Tracks some Micronutrients
Create your profile Enter current weight Enter goal weight Enter height, gender, age Enter in your activity level to get… Net Calorie Goal Number
Any Smart Phone (For Free) Access on computer Type in search bar Barcode Scanner Pie chart percentages Adjustable measurements
Diet and Exercise! Body runs on energy needs (Calories) Find out your maintenance calories! Gain weight? Calories UP! Lose weight? Calories DOWN! Keep your macronutrients in mind!
Keeping calories in mind… Does not matter how late at night you eat Meal timing is irrelevant No need for fast acting carbs post workout More on Carbohydrates – YouTube More on Carbohydrates – YouTube In depth video on carbs, insulin etc.
For more information or questions feel free to contact me! Name: Jack Schetter