4 out of the 7 possible uses for funding given by the DfE are related to workforce development to enhance the delivery of PE and School Sport
Ofsted Report Summary Beyond 2012 – outstanding PE for all The main concerns outlined in the document; The main weaknesses were the teachers’ limited subject knowledge and use of assessment which led to superficial planning and insufficient challenge, particularly for the more able pupils Pupils were not challenged to improve their personal fitness sufficiently Only a few schools had adapted PE programmes to suit the individual needs of obese pupils, or engaged with health agencies, parents and carers to improve the lifestyle of these pupils Assessment procedures were less well developed (than action planning and curriculum development) in the majority of schools visited
Aims of new National Curriculum; Develop physical literacy of all pupils Ensure pupils take part in sustained, strenuous physical activity Pupils engage in competition Pupils lead healthy, active lives Subject knowledge Assessment Planning Differentiation Inclusion Lifestyle/health Areas to address -
oPEn A city wide Primary PE and Sport network of over 40 schools Local response
Rationale COLLABORATION – VISION – IMPACT By creating a City wide Partnership of Primary schools it will be possible to have a clear vision of the impact the funding should make on the children in Stoke-on-Trent and allow far more strategic use of the money. National CPD delivered locally Schools will be able to access advice and information from one point of contact which will save time and allow more informed decisions to be made.
By clearly identifying the needs of Primary schools in the City it will be possible to deliver on a number of outcomes in the most cost efficient and effective way. SPECIFIC TARGETING OF FUNDS A City Partnership will be in a stronger position to lobby for additional funding. LOBBYING POWER A strong Primary network will be in a position to work with experienced professional PE practitioners. NETWORKING
A chance to be involved in an innovative partnership The main focus of the group is workforce development however there is a wider remit and oPEn is looking forward to working with all stakeholders of PE and School Sport both locally and nationally. The network will augment and develop the work of the existing infrastructure within the City with the overall aim to add value to the PE and Sport experience of all Primary aged children.