1. abstracted: removed in thought from the immediate situation; lost in one’s own mind 2. aesthetic: relating or pertaining to a sense of beauty or art 3. bestial: brutal without reason, having the attributes of a savage 4. blanch: to take the color out of; to bleach; to make white
5. cacophonous: harsh sounding 6. censorious: critical 7. centrifuge: an apparatus used for separating materials by the use of centrifugal force 8. certitudes: things that are inevitable or certain
9. contempt: scorn, extreme dislike or disdain 10. desolate: deserted; without inhabitants; barren 11. dictum: an authoritative statement: decree 12. din: loud and discordant noises; cacophony
13. feint: a false appearance; a fake punch to occupy defenses allowing a real blow 14. flourish: to thrive; to grow well 15. fold: a group bound together by common beliefs; fenced enclosure for sheep 16. incessant: uninterrupted
17. insidious: treacherous or dangerous in secret sort of way 18. luxuriant: abundant in growth; very fertile 19. melancholy: depression of spirits 20. metaphorically: compared nonliterally
21. mural: a painting on a wall or ceiling 22. oblivion: state of being forgotten 23. obscure: difficult to see; vague 24. odious: deserving hate or contempt
25. parry: to deflect or to ward off a blow 26. pedantry: act of showing off learning in a manner that is needless and unimaginative 27. perfunctory: acting routinely with little interest or care 28. perpetuate: to prolong the existence of something
29. phoenix: person of unmatched beauty; something rising from apparent destruction 30. prattle: meaningless sounds; babble 31. proclivity: inclination; tendency 32. profuse: extravagantly abundant; flowing freely
33. pulverize: to reduce into small pieces; to demolish 34. ravenous: urgently eager for food; craving satisfaction or gratification 35. rend: to tear violently; to split 36. saccharine: overly sweet attitude
37. scythe: an instrument for cutting or mowing 38. serene: calm; placid 39. stagnant: not flowing; foul from not moving 40. stoke: to stir up; to amply feed