Perspectives on the Contribution of Learning to Regeneration and the role of Lifelong Learning Networks David Jenkins Director of Educational Partnerships Staffordshire University 14 th March 2007
The Talk What is regeneration? UK Government Policy - regeneration - education & learning An integrated approach, post 2000? Lifelong Learning Networks
Regeneration “…. A lasting improvement in the economic, physical, social and environmental condition of an area that has been subject to change…..” Peter Roberts 2000
UK Regional Policy Special Areas 1934 Development Areas 1945 Intermediate Areas 1969 Focus on industrial location, employment, “stick and carrot”
The Thatcher Factor (1) Urban Development Corporations 1981 Merseyside DC – Albert Dock London Docklands Corporation – East London Docks Enterprise Zones 1979 Focus on large scale, urban physical regeneration schemes
The Thatcher Factor (2) Youth Opportunities Programme (YOP) Youth Training Scheme (YTS) Technical & Vocational Education Initiatives (TVEI) 1983 National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) 1986 Employment Department Training and Enterprise Councils (TECs) 1990 Focus a vocational education, skills work related learning
The Learning Agenda GCSE introduced 1986 Education Reform Act/National Curriculum 1988 Polytechnics to Universities 1992 Incorporation of FE colleges 1993 Unitary Authorities e.g. Stoke on Trent 1997 “Education, Education, Education” 1997
National Learning Targets in England for % of 16 year olds, 5 GCSEs above Grade C 85% of 19 years olds with a level 2 qualification 60% of 21 year olds with a level 3 qualification 50% of adults with a level 3 qualification 28% with a level 4 qualification A 7% reduction in non-learners
Higher Education Target 50% of people, up to the age of 30, to have an involvement in higher education by 2010
External Funding European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) European Social Fund (ESF) Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) 1994 Regional Development Agencies (RDA) 1998
A new Millennium, A new approach? Learning & Skills Council – 2001 Success for All (FE) – 2002 Skills Strategy – (vocational/adult) The future of Higher Education – 2003 Tomlinson review of learning – 2004 FE White Paper
Learning and Regeneration Today - Towards Integration? (1) Regeneration Zones/corridors Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) Adult & Community Learning (ACL) LSC, LEA, FE colleges Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Skills for Life LSC targets up to level 2/3 – focus on the local/sub regional scale
Learning and Regeneration Today - Towards Integration? (2) Every Child Matters – Joint Areas Reviews 2004 Enterprise in Education – Davies Review 2002 Lifelong Learning Networks – 2004 Leitch Review
14-19 Opportunity and Excellence Curriculum, Progression, Retention, Achievement HE White Paper Participation in HE Foundation Degrees Universities & Business Vocational Education Skills Strategy World Class Workforce Level 2 & 3 Skills Skills for Life Basic Skills Success for All Strategic Area Review Leadership & Management Teaching & Learning Quality Learner
Lifelong Learning Networks – Rationale Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) policy initiative from summer 2004 Contribution to 50% HE participation target Supporting vocational learners into and through HE Conurbations / cities, sub-regional, regional and, occasionally, national
Lifelong Learning Networks – Key Features A mix of universities and FE colleges as deliverers of HE awards Progression Agreements / Awards enabling learners to move between institutions Role of information, advice and guidance 18/19 year old learners and adults Employers and sector skills councils
Lifelong Learning Networks – An example Staffordshire, Stoke on Trent, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Staffordshire University (lead), Keele University, University of Wolverhampton, Harper Adams University College, Open University 15 FE Colleges £3.86 million revenue funding 2007 – 2010 Sectors - Technology Creative & Media Health & Care Public Sector / Public Services + cross curricular themes – IT, Enterprise, Leadership and Management
Lifelong Learning Networks – Issues A clear separation between provision that is funded by a) HEFCE (university validated) and b) the LSC (Access / Level 4) Challenge to institutional autonomy Superimposition of LLNs on a landscape of established collaborations and partnerships A complex concept- communication with learners? - communication with employers? Sustainability after 3 years
Lifelong Learning Networks… and Regeneration Proven need for higher level skills in the 21 st century Limited progression from vocational level 3 qualifications to HE New awards – foundation degrees and short, bespoke HE qualifications Are LLNs about supporting vocational learners? Or widening participation? Or both? The missing generations of HE learners – older, part- time, work-based, work/career related Contribution to the ‘institutional thickness’ (Amin & Thrift, 1994) of areas undergoing regeneration