Section H Communications
Internet As Source Q31.) How likely or unlikely are you to use the following as sources for news and entertainment information? 2
Website Usage Q32.) Which of the following websites do you read / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for Website Sources 3
Website Usage Other – Existing Patrons Q32.) Which of the following websites do you read / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for Website Sources 4 Other Responses Google (8.9%) Washington Post (7.7%) MSNBC (3.4%) None (1.8%) NY Times (1.8%) Wall Street Journal (1.8%) Facebook (1.5%) Old Globe (1.5%) BBC (1.2%) Live Nation (1.2%) Ticketmaster (1.2%) Entertainment Websites (0.9%) Fox News (0.9%) ABC (0.6%) City Beat (0.6%) Diversionary Theater (0.6%) Drudge Report (0.6%) (0.6%) Goldstar (0.6%) SD Opera (0.6%) Slate (0.6%) AAA Westways (0.3%) Amazon (0.3%) Bing (0.3%) Boston Globe (0.3%) Democracy Now (0.3%) Discount Websites (0.3%) (0.3%) Fark (0.3%) Groupon (0.3%) Hot Air (0.3%) Individual Theater Sites (0.3%) KUSC (0.3%) LA Times (0.3%) Living Social (0.3%) Mercury News (0.3%) SD Reader (0.3%) SF Chronicle (0.3%) (0.3%) StubHub (0.3%) The Blaze (0.3%) The Week (0.3%) Village News (0.3%) WRTI (0.3%)
Website Usage Other – Potential Patrons Q32.) Which of the following websites do you read / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for Website Sources 5 Other Mentions Google (5.7%) MSN (2.7%) FOX News (1.7%) Venue Websites (1.3%) Citybeat (1.0%) Bing (1.0%) Goldstar (1.0%) LA Times (1.0%) San Diego Magazine (1.0%) Sign on San Diego (1.0%) Ticketmaster (1.0%) USA Today (1.0%) (0.3%) Associated Press (0.3%) Dailymail (0.3%) Drudge Report (0.3%) ESPN (0.3%) Eventful (0.3%) GBL Times (0.3%) Facebook (0.3%) (0.3%) KSDS (0.3%) KUSI (0.3%) Living Social (0.3%) New York Times (0.3%) New Yorker (0.3%) None (0.3%) Pollstar (0.3%) San Diego Union Tribune (0.3%) (0.3%) TWC (0.3%) Thrillist (0.3%) Time Warner (0.3%) Travelzoo (0.3%) Twitter (0.3%) UCSD (0.3%) UT San Diego (0.3%) Yelp (0.3%)
Television As Source Q31.) How likely or unlikely are you to use the following as sources for news and entertainment information? 6
Television Usage Q33.) Which of the following television stations do you watch / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for TV Sources 7
Television Usage Other – Existing Patrons Q33.) Which of the following television stations do you watch / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for TV Sources 8 Other Responses MSNBC (2.6%) CNN (1.6%) FOX (1.0%) Fox News (1.0%) UCSD tv (1.0%) ABC (0.5%) Bloomberg (0.5%) CBS (0.5%) CNBC (0.5%) Cable (0.5%) Channel 5, 6,7 and 10 (0.5%) Channels 8, 7, 15, 9, 10, 69 (0.5%) Channels 8, 10, 15, 7, 9 (0.5%) Channel 8, 10, 15, 39 (0.5%) Channels 9, 15 (0.5%) NBC (0.5%) PBS (0.5%) TRI (0.5%) I use a number of different tv stations kusi knsd xetv kgtv kpbs kfmb ect (0.5%) I watch several of the ones listed. (0.5%) KGTV, KNSD, KUSI, KPBS, KFMB (0.5%) Kiwi, knsd (0.5%) KUSC channel 11 (0.5%) National Geo. (0.5%) I have several (0.5%) KPBS, KFMB, KUSI (0.5%)
Television Usage Other – Potential Patrons Q33.) Which of the following television stations do you watch / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for TV Sources 9 Other Responses Fox News Channel (1.8%) CNN (1.4%) Bravo (0.4%) Chanel 28 (0.4%) I don't watch any local channels (0.4%) MSNBC (0.4%)
Radio As Source Q31.) How likely or unlikely are you to use the following as sources for news and entertainment information? 10
Radio Usage Q34.) Which of the following radio stations do you listen to / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for Radio Sources 11
Radio Usage Other – Existing Patrons Q34.) Which of the following radio stations do you listen to / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for Radio Sources 12 Other Responses (3.8%) KUSC (2.9%) 91.5 (1.4%) KSON (1.4%) 94.9 (1.0%) KFMB (1.0%) KNX (1.0%) KOGO (1.0%) KPBS (1.0%) XHLNC (1.0%) XLNC1 (1.0%) 98.1 (0.5%) 1040 AM (0.5%) 1090 Sports (0.5%) alt36 satellite radio (0.5%) CNN Spanish (0.5%) Classical music stations (0.5%) HD radio (0.5%) I listen to a variety of local stations but mostly Satellite radio (0.5%) Jack FM (0.5%) KCBS-AM (0.5%) Kearth101 (0.5%) KFMB (0.5%) KHTS (0.5%) klove100.1 (0.5%) KLSD (0.5%) KMYI (0.5%) KOA-AM (0.5%) KPRI (0.5%) KPBS (0.5%) KYXY (0.5%) Radio Latina (0.5%) Satellite radio (0.5%) Sirius almost exclusively (0.5%) XEPRS-AM (0.5%) XHITZ (0.5%) XHPRS (0.5%) xmserius (0.5%)
Radio Usage Other – Potential Patrons Q34.) Which of the following radio stations do you listen to / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for Radio Sources 13 Other Responses SiriusXM (1.1%) 94.1 (0.5%) 94.9 (0.5%) 640am for news (0.5%) 1090 (0.5%) 1170 AM (0.5%) Entertainment Weekly on Satellite Radio (0.5%) KFI (0.5%) KIOZ (0.5%) KLoVE (0.5%) KNX (0.5%) knxt 1070 (0.5%)
Print As Source Q31.) How likely or unlikely are you to use the following as sources for news and entertainment information? 14
Print Usage Q35.) Which of the following magazines / newspapers do you read / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for Print Sources 15
Print Usage Other – Existing Patrons Q35.) Which of the following magazines / newspapers do you read / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for Print Sources 16 Other Responses City Beat (0.8%) Vogue (0.8%) Architectural Digest (0.4%) Economist (0.4%) InStyle (0.4%) Sunset (0.4%) The Reader (0.4%) The Week (0.4%) Time Magazine (0.4%) Veranda (0.4%) Village news (0.4%) Wine Spectator (0.4%)
Print Usage Other – Potential Patrons Q35.) Which of the following magazines / newspapers do you read / reference for news and entertainment information? Respondents that answered “Very Likely” or “Likely” for Print Sources 17 Other Responses City Beat (1.3%) Entertainment Weekly (1.3%) LA Times (1.3%) NY Times (1.3%) None (1.3%) SD Union Tribune (1.3%) WSJ (1.3%) Cosmo (0.6%) Gay and Lesbian Times (0.6%) Glamour (0.6%) In Style (0.6%) La Jolla Light (0.6%) Lucky (0.6%) New Yorker (0.6%) North Park News (0.6%) Time (0.6%)
Community Newspapers – Existing Patrons Q39.) Which community newspapers do you read / reference for news and entertainment information? 18 Papers Mentioned San Diego Union Tribune (3.8%) San Diego City Beat (1.3%) San Diego Reader (1.3%) Foreign (0.8%) New York Times (0.8%) San Diego Magazine (0.8%) Wall Street Journal (0.8%) Del Mar Times (0.4%) Family Magazine (0.4%) LA Times (0.4%) London Times (0.4%) Mail (0.4%) New Yorker (0.4%) Online (0.4%) Playbill (0.4%) Ranch and Coast (0.4%) Random (0.4%) Rolling Stone (0.4%) San Diego Business Journal (0.4%) San Diego Free Press (0.4%) San Francisco Chronicle (0.4%) Timeout New York (0.4%) UK Telegraph (0.4%)
Community Newspapers – Potential Patrons Q39.) Which community newspapers do you read / reference for news and entertainment information? 19 Papers Mentioned Gay papers (0.6%) La Jolla Light (0.6%) San Diego News (0.6%) Scripps Ranch monthly newsletter (0.6%) North County Times (0.6%) The Beacon (0.6%)
Union Tribune Entertainment Section Readership Q36.) Please indicate the days of the week you read each of the following sections of the Union Tribune? Respondents that selected “Union Tribune” in Q35. Existing Patrons Base = 108, Potential Patrons Base = 76 20
Union Tribune Auto Section Readership Q36.) Please indicate the days of the week you read each of the following sections of the Union Tribune? Respondents that selected “Union Tribune” in Q35. Existing Patrons Base = 108, Potential Patrons Base = 76 21
Union Tribune Usage – Existing Patrons Q36.) Please indicate the days of the week you read each of the following sections of the Union Tribune? Respondents that selected “Union Tribune” in Q35. Base =
Union Tribune Usage – Existing Patrons Q36.) Please indicate the days of the week you read each of the following sections of the Union Tribune? Respondents that selected “Union Tribune” in Q35. Base =
Union Tribune Usage – Potential Patrons Q36.) Please indicate the days of the week you read each of the following sections of the Union Tribune? Respondents that selected “Union Tribune” in Q35. Base = 76 24
Section I Demographics
Age Q3.) Which of the following best describes your age? 26
Household Income Q4.) Which of the following best describes your total annual household income? 27
Gender Q37.) Gender 28
Education Q38.) What is the highest level of education you have completed? 29
Occupation Q39.) Which of the following best describes your occupation? 30
Occupation Other – Existing Patrons Q39.) Which of the following best describes your occupation? 31 Other Responses Education (2.2%) Scientific Research (1.4%) Musician (1.1%) Accounting (0.8%) Healthcare (0.8%) Retired (0.8%) CEO (.03%) Cleric (.03%) Graphic Design (.03%) Human Resources (.03%) International Relations (.03%) Lawyer (.03%) Public Safety (.03%) Veterinarian (.03%) Volunteer (.03%)
Occupation Other – Potential Patrons Q39.) Which of the following best describes your occupation? 32 Other Responses Health Care (1.6%) Education (1.3%) Public Employee (1.3%) Military (1.0%) Attorney (0.6%) Disabled (0.3%) Engineer (0.3%) Event Coordinator (0.3%) Law Enforcement (0.6%) Lawyer (0.6%) Laborer (0.3%) Manager (0.3%) Mortician (0.3%) Retail (0.3%) Scientist (0.3%)
Zip Code – Existing Patrons Q40.) What is your zip code? Base = Zip Codes (5.5%) (4.9%) (4.4%) (3.8%) (3.8%) (3.6%) (3.6%) (3.3%) (3.0%) (3.0%) (3.0%) (2.4%) (2.4%) (2.4%) (2.4%) (2.4%) (2.2%) (1.9%) (1.6%) (1.6%) (1.4%) (1.4%) (1.4%) (1.4%) (1.4%) (1.4%) (1.4%) (1.1%) (1.1%) (1.1%) (1.1%) (1.1%) (1.1%) (1.1%) (0.8%) (0.8%) (0.8%) (0.8%) (0.8%) (0.8%) (0.8%) (0.8%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%)
Zip Code – Potential Patrons Q40.) What is your zip code? Base = Zip Codes (5.7%) (4.1%) (3.8%) (3.4%) (3.2%) (3.2%) (2.8%) (2.5%) (2.5%) (2.5%) (2.2%) (2.2%) (2.2%) (2.2%) (2.2%) (2.2%) (1.9%) (1.9%) (1.9%) (1.9%) (1.9%) (1.9%) (1.6%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (1.3%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.9%) (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%) (0.3%)
Length of Time in San Diego Area Q41.) How long have you lived in the San Diego area? 35
Marital Status Q42.) Which of the following best describes your marital status? 36
Number of People in Household Q43.) How many people do you have living in your household? 37
Ethnicity Q44.) Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? 38
Thank You