Critical Habitat by Life Stage - Incubation (eggs pre-hatch) - transition (embryo to fry) - juvenile rearing (0 to 2) - juvenile rearing (2+) - Adult feeding.


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Presentation transcript:

Critical Habitat by Life Stage - Incubation (eggs pre-hatch) - transition (embryo to fry) - juvenile rearing (0 to 2) - juvenile rearing (2+) - Adult feeding -adult over wintering -staging - spawning

Critical Habitat by Life Stage - Incubation (eggs pre-hatch) - transition (embryo to fry) - juvenile rearing (0 to 2) - juvenile rearing (2+) - Adult feeding -adult over wintering -staging - spawning

Critical Habitat by Life Stage - Incubation (eggs pre-hatch) - transition (embryo to fry) - juvenile rearing (0 to 2) - juvenile rearing (2+) - Adult feeding -adult over wintering -staging - spawning

Critical Habitat by Life Stage - Incubation (eggs pre-hatch) - transition (embryo to fry) - juvenile rearing (0 to 2) - juvenile rearing (2+) - Adult feeding -adult over wintering -staging - spawning v Fix this with map To Braided area near Cluculz Crk. & 1km D/S

Critical Habitat by Life Stage - Incubation (eggs pre-hatch) - transition (embryo to fry) - juvenile rearing (0 to 2) - juvenile rearing (2+) - Adult feeding -adult over wintering -staging - spawning

Critical Habitat by Life Stage - Incubation (eggs pre-hatch) - transition (embryo to fry) - juvenile rearing (0 to 2) - juvenile rearing (2+) - Adult feeding -adult over wintering -staging - spawning Fix Map to encompass part u/s

Critical Habitat by Life Stage - Incubation (eggs pre-hatch) - transition (embryo to fry) - juvenile rearing (0 to 2) - juvenile rearing (2+) - Adult feeding -adult over wintering -staging - spawning

Upper Fraser

Critical Habitat by Life Stage - Incubation (eggs pre-hatch) - transition (embryo to fry) - juvenile rearing (0 to 2) - juvenile rearing (2+) - Adult feeding -adult over wintering -staging - spawning