Hamish L. Fraser Ohio Regents Eminent Scholar & Professor Department of Materials Science & Engineering The Ohio State University Center for the Accelerated Maturation of Materials To establish a new approach to the development of high performance materials which provides for their accelerated maturation into components
High Performance Materials in the State’s Economy Three Major Economic Strengths in Ohio Þ Aerospace Þ Automotive Þ General manufacturing Use of New and Optimized Materials Þ Especially important in Aerospace and Automotive GM’s Aluminum body Strengthening Ohio’s Economy Þ Provide new technologies and tools to make Ohio’s companies more competitive Need for development of technologies that provide new and improved materials at low cost and in short development cycles
The Necessary Coupling Required for Success Customer: Industry Making products Creating wealth High paying jobs Predictive Tools for which properties? Industrial & Federal Laboratory Partners Materials Science & Engineering Microstructure Properties Basic Sciences e.g., John Wilkins Eminent Scholar in Physics World’s first!! Mechanical & Materials Eng. Novel Processes & modeling Engineering Mechanics Component Level modeling Use-directed Basic Research
Partnerships and Knowledge Transfer
Development vs. Use of Materials R&D Tools l Development: u Need to develop computationally-intensive simulation tools u Ab-initio physics-based models, phase field modeling and finite element modeling u Use of high performance computing facilities - e.g., OSC l Use: u Need to access simulation tools on a desktop PC u Need to access characterization and testing tools for calibration of simulation tools for new materials systems/types u Develop novel experimental techniques for: u Rapid population of databases for development of neural networks for new materials u Multi-scale materials characterization, from nano- to macro-scale, to supply mechanisms required for models
Requirements for Access by Industry l Need to access simulation tools on a desktop PC u Use of computationally-intensive models to calibrate neural networks u Examples: Ü New scanning electron microscopes with required performance - $450k Ü State-of-the-art transmission electron microscope - $4M. l Need to access characterization and testing tools for calibration of simulation tools for new materials systems/types u Major problem: u Cost of equipment is out of reach for most companies - both legacy industries and new start-up ventures u Location asymmetry: CAMM has the equipment, industry doesn’t u Largely Result of Action and Investment Funds u CAMM has acquired a world-class set of equipment for materials characterization
Example of State of the Art Acquisition by CAMM CAMM has already ordered this microscope!
Solution: Remote Access using Third Frontier Network l Provide remote access to equipment - and so full advantage of CAMM’s computational R&D tools may be realized u Speed of the network permits this to occur in real time - essential for efficient use of the equipment l Provide this access to industry, national laboratories (e.g., AFRL and NASA Glenn), and other universities l Initial start-up of concept through Regent’s Initiative VIM (Visualization, Instrumentation and Modeling) CAMM-VIM Program: Initial collaborations based on remote access with CAMM using TFN Ohio truly leading the way internationally by stimulating transformational collaborations to provide increased competitiveness for its industries