1 Poems That Make Shapes Haiku, concrete, cinquain Copyright Sandy Fussell
2 Poet of the day Matsuo Basho
3 Born in 1644 (died 1694) Born in 1644 (died 1694) His father was a minor samurai who earned a living by teaching children to read and write His father was a minor samurai who earned a living by teaching children to read and write Basho’s brothers became farmers Basho’s brothers became farmers Basho went on to study literature Basho went on to study literature He became the first great haiku poet He became the first great haiku poet Haiku grew from an early writing game in which the first three lines of a poem were written by one person. A second person wrote the closing two lines. Basho (grew tired of this game. He felt that the first three lines could stand alone. Haiku grew from an early writing game in which the first three lines of a poem were written by one person. A second person wrote the closing two lines. Basho (grew tired of this game. He felt that the first three lines could stand alone. BASHO THE POET
4 This snowy morning That black crow I hate so much.... But he's beautiful! Monkey's Raincoat is widely considered to be Basho’s best poem. SAMURAIPOEMS Monkey’s Raincoat By Basho Winter's first rain Monkey needs A raincoat too. Lightning Heron’s cry stabs the darkness Wake! The sky is light! let us to the road again... Companion butterfly!
5 no rhyming words the three lines are often arranged so that the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables - the rule. haiku does not always follow the rule. But each 3-line verse must have only 17 syllables or less HAIKU Cat Haiku Litter box not here You must have moved it again Your shoe will do. Expand your mind. Get To school. Better yet, put your Feet up. Watch TV. I can make noises With my hand and underarm Flappity flap flap Let's have a contest Who can burp the loudest? You Or me? Ready, go!
6 The Frog Pond, there, still and old! A frog has jumped from the shore. The splash can be heard. - Translated by Eli Siegel The old pond, yes, and A frog-jumping-in-the- Water’s noise! - Translated by G.S. Fraser The old pond; A frog jumps in — The sound of the water. - Translated by R.H. Blyth Into the ancient pond A frog jumps Water’s sound! - Translated by D.T. Suzuki The original Japanese: Furu ike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto
7 ________________________________________________________________________ 5 syllables ________________________________________________________________________ 7 syllables ________________________________________________________________________ 5 syllables 5 syllables Writing a who am I Haiku Writing a who am I ? Haiku Choose an animal – what does it look like, what does it do Choose an animal – what does it look like, what does it do ? Group Activity Green and speckled legs Hops on logs and lily pads Splash in cool water
8 A concrete poem is a poem that forms a picture of the topic of the poem or follows the contours of a shape that is suggested by the topic. Concrete poems
9 More Concrete poems
10 Your turn now …. Group Activity
11Cinquain Cinquain Pattern #1 Line1: One word Line2: Two words Line 3: Three words Line 4: Four words Line 5: One word Cinquain Pattern #2 Line1: A noun Line2: Two adjectives Line 3: Three -ing words Line 4: A phrase Line 5: Another word for the noun Cinquain Pattern #3 Line1: Two syllables Line2: Four syllables Line 3: Six syllables Line 4: Eight syllables Line 5: Two syllables Cinq is the French word for "five" so a Cinquain is a five-lined poem. It doesn’t usually rhyme Quatrain means four and has four rhyming lines Poetry Makes noise And paints pictures And makes us laugh fun ( based on syllables #3)
12 Adelaide Crapsey – cinquain inventor American poet Adelaide Crapsey created the cinquain based on the Japanese haiku, around one hundred years ago. American poet Adelaide Crapsey created the cinquain based on the Japanese haiku, around one hundred years ago. NOVEMBER NIGHT By Adelaide Crapsey Listen… With faint dry sound, Like steps of passing ghosts, The leaves, frost-crisp'd, break from the trees And fall. (based on syllables #3)
13 Cinquain In Detail – Pattern 2 Line 1: A noun Line 2: Two adjectives Line 3: Three -ing words Line 4: A phrase Line 5: Another word for the noun (line1) Tree Sturdy, Tall Climbing, swinging, playing Fun among the branches Maple
14 ________________________________________________________________________ (1 noun) (1 noun)________________________________________________________________________ (2 adjectives) (2 adjectives)________________________________________________________________________ (3 ing verbs) (3 ing verbs)________________________________________________________________________ (4 word phrase) (4 word phrase)________________________________________________________________________ (another word for line 1) (another word for line 1) Writing a Cinquain 2 Suggested topics – animal, weather, bird, your best friend (be nice!) Individual Activity
15 Making an Origami Frog – Basho ’ s Frog Haiku
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