SME Networking Project Common Competition Fields for Clusters 5 Sector Strategies → Samsun Medical Equipment Sector Strategy October 18, 2012 – Ankara
5 Sector Strategies
Literature Research Shareholder Interviews Strategy Workshop Company Surveys Analysis and Action Plan Sector Strategy Report Economic Analysis Reports Common Competition Fields Report Support/product/servi ces of shareholders for sector companies SWOT Sector Vision Goals Company Profiles Current Status Performance of Sector Target Markets Sector Cooperation Level Analysis Draft SWOT Global Market Data Value Chain Analysis Supply Chain Analysis 5 Forces Analysis Ansoff Matrix GE Matrix Sector Need Analysis Sector Strategy Development Process Input from Other Studies Conducted in Scope of the Project Interim Outputs Pilot Action Study Visit Performance Indicators Working Group Methodology Ownership Meeting
Samsun Medical Equipment Sector Strategy
2011 Total Sector Revenue: TRL Current Status
2011 yılı itibariyle SSES’de toplam 824 [1] kişi istihdam edilmektedir. Alan çalışması sonuçları çerçevesinde çalışanların %6,5’inin 4 yıllık üniversite mezunu ve %2,9’un mühendistir. Ayrıca çalıianların yanızca %3’ü yabancı dil bilmektedir [1] A total of 824 individuals are employed in SME’s as of In scope of results of field work, 6,5% of the employees are university graduates of 4 year degrees, and 2,9% are engineers. Additionally, only 3% of the employed knows a foreign language. Current Status
Qualified Human Resources Innovation & R&D Performance Export Infrastructure and Performance Strategic Management Skills Trademark Strenght Corporate Structure General Average2,31,82,42,62,12,2 Company Company Company Company Company Company Company Company Company Company Current Status
IranAzerbaijanUzbekistanIndia GeorgiaYemenPolandIndonesia AlgeriaFranceJapanEgypt TunisiaVietnamMexicoLibya USAMoroccoChinaIraq RussiaSyriaKazakhstanItaly GermanySouth KoreaThailandRepublic of S. Africa Potential Markets
Middle EastNorth AfricaAsiaEurope Iran (2.80) Iraq (3.10) Algeria (3.40) Morocco (1.60) Egypt (1.90) Benin Azerbaijan (3.50) Russia (2.80) Kazakhstan (2.10) Malesia Indoneisa Germany (3:00) Target Markets
Samsun Medical Equipments Sector Vision Transforming companies to those that adopt and use cooperation as an effective tool for becoming brands in the global market with innovative products that meet international quality standards.
Vision Transforming companies to those that adopt and use cooperation as an effective tool for becoming brands in the global market with innovative products that meet international quality standards. Development Axes Development Axis 1. Cluster Management Development Axis 2. Competitiveness Development Axis 3. Innovation Development Axis 4. Internationalization/ Interregionalization Strategic Goals Strategic Goal 1. Becoming a cluster that adopts a participating, transparent and cooperative approach, that possesses effective representation and strategy creation skills, that is managed by a professional team and that follows its own development. Strategic Goal 2. Utilizing competition as an effective tool to provide continuous efficiency increase. Strategic Goal 3. Transforming companies to those that continuously learn, that quickly put into practice and that institutionalize by utilizing advantages of the cluster for access to information. Strategic Goal 4. Transforming companies to those that have the capacity to innovate in quality and quantities required by the global market. Strategic Goal 5. Establishing necessary networks in order for users, customers, suppliers and universities to actively contribute to the R&D processes of companies. Strategic Goal 6. Creating opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs to emerge. Strategic Goal 7. Branding Samsun and companies on national and international markets. Strategic Goal 8. Entering new international markets identified by common sense and become lasting assets in these markets.
Activities Year 1 (2012) Year 2 (2013)Year 3 (2014) Month Cost ($) Cluster Website Common Promotion and Marketing Kits Foreign Trade Training Programme Professional Manager and Strategic Management Training Programme Other Trainings (Cost Calculation, Project Preparation etc.) Analysis and Concept Development (Consultancy) for Collective Mark and Guarantee Trademark Medica Medica Arab Health Cluster Visit (Austria, Czech Republic) Procurement Committee (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan) Procurement Committee (Malesia, Indonesia) Procurement Committee (Algeria, Morocco, Egypt,, Benin) Procurement Committee (EU Countries) Procurement Committee (Iran, Iraq) Procurement Committee (Surgeons) Employemnt (Personnel 1) Predicted Total UR-GE
Advantages Disadvantages 1.Cost of individual attendance is EUR 26,000, where cost for per company for joint attendance is EUR 4,833 (EUR 1,208 with URGE contribution) 2.While only 2 companies were able to participate in previous years, 10 companies may attend with joint stands. 3.Since Medica Expo is the most important expo on the global scale, years of waiting in queue is required. 40 m 2 space in good shape for joint attendance is provided with initiatives of Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 4.Meetings and visits are arranged by cluster management with relevant authorities and institutions for the companies to get to know the German market better. (Advantage against Disadvantage 1) 5.Since procedures such as expo attendance, transportation, residence, organization and logistics will be handled by the cluster management, companies are no longer required to waste time for these procedures. 6.Visitors are presented with the opportunity to meet with many companies offering different solutions under one stand. 7.Companies will be able to use the corporate identity of Samsun CoCI and cluster. 8.Since there will be directions provided to the visitors by the cluster management, reuslt oriented meeting will be able to be held with visitors that are interested for their fields of activity (Advantage against Disadvantage 1). 9.Via 3D interactive monitors, a more professional approach will be enabled during meetings for promotion of products and companies. (Advantage against Disadvantage 2) 1.While it is possible to meet approximately 200 visitors in individual attendance, joint attendance provides meetings with approximately 100 visitors. 2.While companies will be able to display more products with individual attendance, joint attendance allows for display of lesser number of products.
Monitoring and Evaluation
In order for the pilot project applied in Samsun Medical Equipment Sector to achieve 25% increase in efficiency, a value of 0,174 must be met at the closing of the project. Monitoring and Evaluation
Team = Local Expert + External Expert Current Status Analysis Based on Company Data Individual is followed by Joint Conformity with Individual Business Plans of Companies Identification of Opportunities, Prioritization and Applicable Business Plan Coordination with Leader Companies and Regional Players