Social Web, & Annotation in E-Learn 2005 Rosta Farzan January 12, 2006
List of papers Social Web 1.Discovering the Complex Effect of Navigation Cues in an E-Learning Environment, Dron, University of Brighton, UK 2.A Succession of Eyes: Building an E-Learning City, Dron, UK 3.The Use of Blogs in Teaching, Knowledge Management, and Performance Improvement, Want et al, San Diego State University, USA Annotation 1.Enhancing Online discussion through Web Annotation, Xin & Glass, Siimon Fraser University, Canada 2.Extending Annotations to Make Truly Valuable, Korica et al, Graz University of Technology, Austria 3.Scripted Anchored Discussion of eLectures, Trahasch & Lauer
Social Web
Discovering the complex effect of navigation cues … Experiment Determining the effect of visual social navigation cues on user behavior Position Font-size Word-length Subjects 203 users Students & teachers of University of Brighton
Result Position Strong correlation between list position and chances of being clicked Font size Single item with large font size has strong chance of being clicked Word length No strong correlation
A Succession of Eyes: Building an E-Learning City Describes Dwellings Virtual city for learners Supports self-organizing mechanism Interactive collaborative web browsing Bookmark database Content management systems
Dwellings & City metaphor Users ~ dwellers Represented by avatars Links ~ dwellings Collection of links ~ street Demo
Social Navigation in Dwellings Real-time Real time chatting with other users See other users who are login to the system at the same time History-rich information Leave graffiti on the buildings Leave footprint as you move View footprints left by others Identify popular sites
Study Pilot study Improve design and further development Two hour period Six graduate students studying communication technologies Data collection Observe activity of students Analyze usage logs Questionnaire
Result Effect of social navigation Two streets attracted most of the activities Students were attracted by presence of others Mentioned as the most important factor determining where to move High usage of “Who is here now” link No clear influence of presence of footprints
The use of blogs in teaching, … Usefulness of blogs Learning tool Facilitate critical thinking Promote discussion Support individual/group learning in classroom settings Knowledge Construction tool Supported by archiving & hyper-linking How ideas connect & evolve over time Self-organization of information Collaborative knowledge construction Leaving comments
Usefulness of blogs Knowledge Management tool Klogs Gathering and sharing information or knowledge Informal knowledge management Bottom up Performance Improvement tool Blogs improve critical thinking Proactive thinking enhance collective ability of an organization
Enhancing Online Discussion through Web Annotation Develop web annotation & highlighting Integrated into Moodle discussion forums Study how annotation facilitate discussion Demo
Evaluation Future work How are the annotation functions used? What purpose? What context? How do annotation affect behavior of others? What is the role of annotations in ongoing discussion? How annotations help users? Do users revisit annotations? How?
Extending Annotation to Make them Truly Valuable Annotation as a tool for collaboration Private annotations Public annotations Group annotations Group Work space Attached to a unit of material HTML page, PPT slide, a paragraph, a figure, a picture, a table, … Users Username, password, group name Can belong to more than one group
Annotation as Work Space Workspace Information Comment, links, or documents inserted by others Question Questions asked by members related to the attached unit Answers to the questions Discussion Discussion forum
Scripted Anchored Discussions of eLectures Recording live lectures as educational modules for e-learning Less expensive & more flexible Tool AOF (Authoring on the Fly) Problem Limited interaction of learners Solution Scripted anchored discussion
Exchanging structured comments anchored in documents (synchronously or asynchronously) Defines actions Replace spontaneous intervention of instructors Sentence opener (prompt) Type of contribution Question, Comment, New topic Order of contribution
Representation Non-deterministic finite state machine starts First Analysis Response Closing Analysi s Constructive criticism analyzercritic analyzer critic