11 Nurse Practitioners – Your Partners in Health Care ! Sue Peck MSN-NP(F) Fraser Health Nurse Practitioner Moira Miller, RN, BSN, EMBA (c) Lead Practice Consultant NP Program Professional Practice & Integration CAN YOU IMAGINE…
2 Nurse Practitioners in Fraser Health There are currently 22 Nurse Practitioners practicing as partners in health care within a variety of settings in Fraser Health CAN YOU IMAGINE…
3 What is a Nurse Practitioner? NPs are Registered Nurses with; Masters degree/ advanced educational preparation (generally a Masters in Nursing) expertise in a clinical area possessing and demonstrating competencies to practice autonomously Nurse Practitioner is a protected title under the Health Professions Act in BC CAN YOU IMAGINE…
4 What is a Nurse Practitioner? Nurse Practitioners are expert health care practitioners and as a part of the health care team are educated and experienced in; Health assessment- diagnosing common acute and chronic illnesses, Prescribing medications Ordering diagnostic tests, and Preventative health education and planning CAN YOU IMAGINE…
5 “Practice Streams” for the Nurse Practitioner Nurse practitioners register within one of three broadly- based streams and have the required knowledge and skill for that stream: Family- (all ages) Adult Pediatric A nurse practitioner is licensed to practice within a particular practice stream and not others CAN YOU IMAGINE…
6 Nurse Practitioner Practice Focus Condition based Focus on specific health/illness condition Population based Focus on specific population i.e. age, sex, geography Scope based Practicing to scope with a focus on general primary care population CAN YOU IMAGINE…
7 Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice The Nurse Practitioner’s Scope of Practice is defined by the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia & the Ministry of Health through the Health Professions Act (HPA) CAN YOU IMAGINE…
8 Nurse Practitioner vs. General Practitioner Role An NP is able to carry out some activities that are commonly performed by GPs NPs are very clear about how and when to consult with a physician when issues are beyond their scope of practice CAN YOU IMAGINE…
9 Legislative Requirements Related to NP Practice Diseases & Conditions: The Health Professions Act lists specific disease and conditions that require an NP to refer/consult with a physician regarding a treatment plan Mediations- examples: NPs cannot prescribe narcotics, benzodiazepines, immunosuppressant agents NPs can continue prescribing but not initiate - anticoagulants, methotrexate and antiarrhythmics CAN YOU IMAGINE…
10 Legislative Requirements Related to NP Practice Provincial Legislation NPs currently cannot do the following work: ICBC, Motor vehicle forms, Worksafe BC, RCMP, some disability forms Many provincial forms that specify a “physician” signature – DNR forms for community care clients CAN YOU IMAGINE…
11 Medical-Legal Concerns? “All health care professionals (NPs and MDs) are accountable for their practice and may face liability risks.. typically only those found responsible are held liable” (CJRM, 2005) NPs have $5 million in aggregate malpractice insurance from CRNBC and many have an additional $2 million coverage from CNPS Plus insurance CAN YOU IMAGINE…
12 Benefits of NP Family Practice Care Clinic Meets the governments commitment to provide timely access to health care for all British Columbians Expands access to care Provides patients with comprehensive, accessible, and coordinated family health care CAN YOU IMAGINE…
13 Information Resources Standards, Limits & Conditions document from CRNBC- Federal Drug Act Provincial legislation Moira Miller, RN BSN, EMBA(c) Lead Practice Consultant NP Program Professional Practice & Integration Sue Peck MSN-NP(F) Fraser Health NP (PAH) CAN YOU IMAGINE…