Forensic Research Case Studies Professor Jim Fraser Centre for Forensic Science, University of Strathclyde Associate Director, Scottish Institute for Policing Research
PhD Project 50% funded by SIPR Examined use of forensic science in volume crime Lothian & Borders and Strathclyde Police Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Service Literature review and questionnaire based methodology Completed 2013 Two publications (plus one pending) Exploring Forensic Science in Scotland
Ludwig, A., et al. (2013). "Crime Scene Examiners and Volume Crime Investigations: An Empirical Study of Perception and Practice." Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal. Ludwig, A. and J. Fraser (2014). "Effective use of forensic science in volume crime investigations: Identifying recurring themes in the literature." Science & Justice 54: Exploring Forensic Science in Scotland
2 x Knowledge Exchange Projects Approx £11k – SIPR small Grant and Scottish Government funded Timescales – 2 x 6 months Partners: Police Scotland, SPA Forensic Services, Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Service Evaluation of the National Forensic Science Gateway
(Procedural) effectiveness of the Gateway in improving performance e.g. throughput of cases, reduction of non-value cases and reduction of backlogs Potential to improve processes, training, and decision making other factors relevant to improving forensic services such as crime scene examiner tasking and demand management Evaluation of the National Forensic Science Gateway I
understanding the organisational and professional factors (cultures, systems, perceptions etc) that contribute to sub optimal use of forensic science in the investigation and prosecution of crime Evaluation of the National Forensic Science Gateway II
Leverhulme Trust, - £217k Universities of South Wales, Strathclyde, Northumbria Three year ethnographic study of forensic technologies in homicide investigation Police Scotland, SPA Forensic Services, Metropolitan Police, Avon & Somerset Police Commenced Jan 2015 Homicide Investigation and Forensic Science: Tracing Processes, Analysing Practices