1 Chemical Hazard Communication and GHS Implementation in Cambodia Regional Workshop on Chemical Hazard Communication and GHS Implementation for Countries of ASEAN, October in Manila, Philippines By Dr. Hean Vanhan Deputy Director of DAALI/MAFF Kingdom of Cambodia Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
2 2 Pesticide Use in Cambodia No pesticides were produced in the Country. imported mainly from Vietnam, Thailand and China. Most of pesticides available in local markets and used by farmers are extremely hazardous or very hazardous (Class la and lb, based on WHO classification). Farmers are not well understanding on how to use safely and effectively. The monitoring system for pesticide residue is not in place
3 3 Pesticide Management in Cambodia Cambodian Pesticide Regulatory Authorities (CPRA) – By Sub-Decree No. 69 on " Standards and Management of Agricultural Materials : are the responsibilities of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) – The Bureau of Agricultural Material Standard (BAMS of DAL), with technical advice from Plant Protection Office of DAALI, act as an assisting unit to the MAFF and responsible for registering and enforcing measures to control the quality of Agricultural Materials.
4 4 Pesticide Management in Cambodia Legislation Framework No pesticides shall be imported, manufactured, formulated, repackaged distributed, sold or offered for sale, or used unless it has been duly, registered or given provisional clearance by the MAFF (Article 11/SD.69). Any physical or juridical person who did do and whishes to do business in pesticide should register their product and obtain the permit in MAFF (Article 12/SD.69). The following products must be registered with the MAFF: 1. Pesticides that are not listed in the current MAFF list of permitted pesticide in use in Cambodia but are currently being sold. 2. Pesticides that are included in the MAFF list of permitted pesticides. 3. New pesticides, that do not belong to class I, according to WHO classification 4. Registered pesticides with changes in formulation or trade name (Article 13/SD.69).
5 5 Pesticide Management in Cambodia Legislation Framework… Pesticides which are included in the MAFF list of banned pesticides, pesticides imported without permission from MAFF and pesticides belonging to Toxicity/Hazard Class I, according to WHO classification are not allowed for registration, except in case of emergency or for special purposes as determined by the MAFF (Article 14/SD.69).. – 117 Common Names of Pesticide have been included in the Band List (incl. PIC and POP) – Methyl Bromide : incl. in the Restricted List (MAFF Decision) and Ozone Depletion Material (Royal Decree)
6 6 Pesticide Hazard Communication By Regulation MAFF Standards and Guideline on Pesticide containers and related outer packaging Pesticide labeling The Permission of Repackaging of a pesticide Procedures and conditions for storage of pesticides The disposal of waste and unwanted pesticides and empty containers The advertising of pesticide, after fully registered, Pictogram and Color of Label are follow by international System. Maximum Residue of Pesticide are follow by Codex Alimentarius Commission
7 7 Pesticide Hazard Communication By Regulation: – Registration – Labeling follow by Toxicity Class and use Purpose By Extension through FFS: – IPM since 1992 – Pesticide Safe Use – Pesticide safe and Responsible Use (supported by Croplife Asia) By Extension through TV spot and pamphlet to consumers – How to buy plant product with minimize of hazard risk ASEAN Pesticide Network: – Was initiated, but not activate Stockholm Convention (POP) – Membership (MOE as focal Point) PIC Convention – Still not a Member, MAFF in Trying to be a member
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