Opportunity and Challenges in Development in Cambodia Presenters: NGOV Penghuy and Chan Sokyeng June 25 th Prof. Otsubo’s Undergraduate Class
Where is Cambodia?
Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Phnom Penh
A glance on Cambodia Population: 14.2 million (2006) Area: 18,1035 Km 2 GDP Per Capita (Nominal): 512 USD (2006) GDP Per Capita (PPP): 2,727 USD (2005) Inflation: 3.6 per cent ( average) Adult Literacy Rate: 73.6 (2005) Life Expectancy: 58.0 (2005)
Structure of Output
Sectoral Growth Rate
Basic Macroeconomic Data Saving-Investment Balance Gross national saving Gross investment General Government Budget Total revenue Total expenditure Balance of Payment Exports of goods Imports of goods External debt Outstanding Debt (%GDP) Debt Service (Mn USD) 6869 (in percent of exports of good and service)
Characteristics of Cambodian Economies 1.Dollarized economy. 2.Aid-dependence. 3.Around 80 of population engages in agriculture and makes up about 40 per cent of GDP. 4.FDI-led growth: garment sector as growth engine. 5.Angkor Wat as tourism site. 6.Construction boom (in the last few years).
Garment: Fast Growing Industry 1.Employment: 400,000 jobs in total and absorb some 30,000 jobs per year. 2.Jobs in garment sector help alleviate poverty of workers and families. 3.Exports of garment products account for approximately 80 per cent of total export.
Commuting to Work
Angkor Wat as core tourist site
Angkor Wat
Opportunities 1.Oil Reserve (?) 2.FDI-led growth 3.Garment Sector as Growth Engine 4.Hydro-electric power plant (9 plants by 2019?) 5.Improvement in financial market
Challenges 1.Environmental Problems 2.Widening gap between the rich and the poor 3.Sky rocketing in real estate price recently land grabbing the poor becomes worse-off 4.National Program for Administrative Reform (NPAR): Civil Service Reform 5.Low domestic technological accumulation leads to slow technological absorption from outside.
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