Find Cambodia
Capital of Cambodia: Phnom Penh
Royal Palace Complex in Phnom Penh
Angkor Wat: the largest religious building in the world
African vs Asian Elephant Asian elephants are easier to train and are still used today to do heavy work
Many houses are built on stilts because of what weather related issue? a)Snow b)Monsoons c)Tornadoes
What is Cambodia’s national language? a)Khmer b)Spanish c)Italian
Myanmar (once called Burma) gained its independence in 1948 from which country? a)Great Britain b)France c)Poland
What is the largest religious group in Pakistan? a)Muslims b)Christians c)Hindus
Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is in which country? a)Nepal b)Spain c)Cambodia
Gandhi was a major political and spiritual leader of which country? a)England b)India c)France
India gained its independence in 1947 from which country? a)France b)Spain c)Great Britain