Cambodia country profile
geography 181,040 square km
Population: 13,124,764 (UK: 60,094,648) Population density: 74/square km (UK: 249/square km) The population of the UK is around five times that of Cambodiapopulation
Buddhist 82.6% Chinese religions 4.7% Animist 4.35% Muslim 3.9% Other 3.6% Christian 0.85%religionreligion
economy Was virtually destroyed by war Little basic infrastructure 80% of people in agriculture Widespread poverty GDP growth rate 4% (2000 est) Inflation rate 1.6% (consumer prices)
history : Angkor priest-kings 500 years of Thai, Vietnamese, French, Japanese & US invasions : Vietnam war : Khmer Rouge : Vietnamese occupation 1997: Pol Pot arrested - dies in : other Khmer Rouge leaders arrested