Enabling environment for integrating DRR and CCA in Southeast Asia Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) For ISDR
Goal Define enabling environment for practical integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in Southeast Asia. Covers: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam
Objectives 1) Review of DRR and CCA projects at national and sub-national levels 2) National level institutional and policy landscape on DRR and CCA 3) Enabling conditions for integrating DRR and CCA 4) Practical examples linking DRR and CCA 5) Guidance notes for field practitioners for implementing and sustaining DRR-CCA projects at national and local levels 6) Conclusions on what defines good CCA
1. Review of institutional and policy landscape on DRR and CCA A. DRR Institutional and policy landscape Cambodia DRR Institutional Mechanisms National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) Strategic National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction in Cambodia (SNAP-DRR) Disaster Management Working Group (DMWG)
Institutional Mechanism for DRR in Cambodia National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) Cabinet of President General Secretariat Disaster Management Working Group of Ministries and Institutes Provincial Committee for Disaster Management (PCDM) District Committee for Disaster Management (DCDM) Commune Disaster Management Team PCDM Secretariat DCDM Secretariat Department of Administration and Finance Department of Information and Relation Department of Emergency Response and Rehabilitation Department of Preparedness and Training Department of Search and Rescue Administration Bureau Accounting Bureau Logistic Bureau Information and Prediction Bureau International Relation Bureau Newsletter and Publishing Bureau Emergency Bureau Rehabilitation Bureau Operation Bureau Training Bureau Planning Bureau Program Bureau Searching & Coordination Bureau Rescue Coordination Bureau Commune Committee for Disaster Management (CCDM) Emergency Relief Assistance Sub-group Food Security Sub-group Health Sub-group Small Scale Infrastructure, Water and Sanitation Sub-group Preparedness and Mitigation Sub-group
1. Review of institutional and policy landscape on DRR and CCA A. DRR Institutional and policy landscape Cambodia DRR Institutional Mechanisms Policy, Plans and Statements on DRR National Report in Preparation for World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR)-2005 National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) Draft National Emergency Management Policy National Disaster Management Bill (NDMB)
1. Review of institutional and policy landscape on DRR and CCA B. CCA Institutional and policy landscape Cambodia CCA Institutional Mechanisms National Climate Change Committee (NCCC) Cambodian Climate Change Office (CCCO) Rectangular Strategy for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency as framework for socio-economic dev. National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) approved 2006, framed as implementation of Rectangular Strategy
Institutional Arrangements for CC in Cambodia Source- MRC
InstitutionTypeRelevant ObjectiveRemarks Ministry of Environment Govt Ministry Mandate over environmental issues, including conservation/protected areas, environmental quality/environmental impact assessment, and rational use and management of natural resources. Focal Point for Climate Change and Biodiversity Conventions, and GEF. Cambodian Climate Change Office Ministry Office Carries out all technical activities related to the implementation of the Climate Convention. Facilitates and coordinates donor funded and private sector activities relevant to climate change with other government agencies. Supports and organizes inter-ministerial technical working groups specialized in sectors (energy and forestry), and along climate change themes (GHG inventory, mitigation, vulnerability and adaptation) Part of Ministry of Environment. Department of Planning and Legal Affairs. Secretariat of the DNA for CDM, and of the UNFCCC focal point. National Committee on Climate Change Inter- ministerial Committee Prepares, coordinates and monitors implementation of policies, strategies, legal instruments, plans and programmes to address climate change. Composed of Secretaries and Under- Secretaries of State from 19 Ministries and government agencies. Meeting at least twice yearly. National Institutions relevant for CC in Cambodia
InstitutionTypeRelevant ObjectiveRemarks Ministry of Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Govt Ministry Mandate over agriculture, including forestry and fisheries. Focal point of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Forest Administn Govt Department Responsibilities include forest and wildlife inventory; protection and management of forest resource, and wildlife conservation. Formerly known as Department of Forestry and Wildlife. Part of MAFF. Cambodian Agricultural Research & Dev. Institute Govt Research Institute Research body for sustainable agricultural and economic development, with primary aim of food security through increased rice production. National Committee on Disaster Management Inter- ministerial Committee Provides emergency relief and develops preventive measures to reduce loss of life and property from natural and human induced disasters. Composed of members of relevant ministries and Armed Forces. Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy Governmen t Ministry Develops and manages energy policy, strategy and planning, including renewable energy. National Institutions relevant for CC in Cambodia
InstitutionTypeRelevant ObjectiveRemarks Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology Govt Ministry Responsibilities include development and implementation of water resource strategy, determination of water potential, collection and management of meteorological data. WMO focal point. Ministry of Public Works and Transport Govt Ministry Manages execution of national policy on public works, including roads, bridges, ports, railways, waterways and buildings. Ministry of Health and National Malaria Centre Govt Ministry Mandate over public health. Ultimate objective to eliminate vector borne disease. Council for the development of Cambodia Govt Agency One-stop service for rehabilitation, development, and investment activities. Facilitates and coordinates government- donor relations. National Institutions relevant for CC in Cambodia Source- MFAD
1. Review of institutional and policy landscape on DRR and CCA B. CCA Institutional and policy landscape Cambodia CCA Institutional Mechanisms Policy, Plans and Statements on CCA No comprehensive national plan or strategy National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA) - 39 'no regret' adaptation projects
2. Review of DRR and CCA projects Development Addressing Vulnerability Climate Risk Management Integration of DRR into development Information Generation Integration/ Application for adaptation
2. Review of DRR and CCA projects Development Addressing Vulnerability reduction CRM (Information generation) Integration of DRR into development CRM (Integration/ Application for adaptation)
3.Enabling conditions for integrating DRR and CCA Five criteria identified for analysis of enabling environment for integrating DRR and CCA: 1) Political Commitment and Awareness 2) Policy and Institution Mechanisms 3) Integration of DRR into Development Process 4) Capacity to generate required Climate Risk Information (CRI) 5) Integration of CRI into development process
3.Enabling conditions for integrating DRR and CCA CountriesPolitical Commitment & Awareness Policy and Institution Mechanisms Progress of Integrating DRR into Developmnt Process Capacity for Climate Risk Information Generation Integtation of CRI for for decision- making Cambodia43422 Indonesia43444 Lao PDR33422 Myanmar11111 Philippines55433 Vietnam55523
4. Practical examples linking DRR and CCA Cambodia: ‘How to Reduce Drought Risk’ tool, combined with the participatory rural appraisal tools, used to identify likely causes of recent droughts in Mekong region. Provides policy recommendations and a model for drought management at community level, as well as the framework for community-based drought management
4. Practical examples linking DRR and CCA Indonesia: Climate Forecast Applications Programme Agriculture: tail-end irrigated system; food security Use of post 1950 climate variation analogs and temperature and precipitation trends for evolving community-based adaptation practices
BMG provide forecast in August/updated in October Climate Team at Agriculture Office held meeting with related field staffs from related agencies to prepare action plans for managing possible flood and drought risk in 2007 and inputs for Regent for inter-sectoral meeting and instruction letter for sub-districts Monitor climate and provide forecast on April 2007 Select options and implement the selected option Implement anticipation actions (early planting and accelerating WS planting) Preparing program for supporting the action plans and socialization Translation Example of seasonal forecast application during the ENSO, Indramayu, Indonesia
EWS Assessment: Sri Lanka Delivery of locally-relevant climate information: Indonesia
EWS Assessment: Sri Lanka Delivery of locally-relevant climate information: Indonesia Onset of dry season 2003 Dry season rainfall, 2003
EWS Assessment: Sri Lanka Delivery of locally-relevant climate information: Indonesia Impact outlook Farmers’ response plan
FARMERS Farmer Groups P1-1 P FARMERS Farmer Groups P P P P Stage 1: training of agricultural extension specialists (district level) Stage 2: training of agricultural extension workers (sub- district) Stage 3: training of heads of farmers groups Stage 4: training of farmers EWS Assessment: Sri Lanka Continuous engagement with farmers: Climate field schools
4. Practical examples linking DRR and CCA Philippines: New CC legislation placing disaster risk reduction as the first line of defence against climate change risks
5. Guidance notes for implementing and sustaining DRR-CCA projects Climate Risk Management offers a convergence between CCA-DRR
Outcomes versus Uncertainty Decreasing knowledge about likelihoods Decreasing knowledge about outcomes Set of discrete outcomes Continuum of outcomes Outcomes poorly defined Firm Probabilities Shaky Probabilities No Probabilities Frequency distributions Subjective probabilities IGNORANCE RISK UNCERTAINTY Conjecture Adapted from Dessai and Hulme (2003) 5. Guidance notes for implementing and sustaining DRR-CCA projects
CRM a convergence between CCA-DRR Extreme Climate Events a common element Adaptation Deficits Approach Under progress
ADAPTATION DEFICITS is a relevant approach Firstly, address adaptation to climate variability manifested in extreme climate events Anticipate climate change issues and build capacities of institutions- Climate Risk Information Systems 5. Guidance notes for implementing and sustaining DRR-CCA projects
Study Recent Extreme Event If no impacts on society Zero Gaps; Perfect System ADAPTATION DEFICITS
Study Recent Extreme Event If significant impacts on society Indicates Gaps or Deficits ADAPTATION DEFICITS Address these Gaps Review in next event in iterative mode to perfect the system
Major Approaches, Tools and Methods for CCA and DRR AreaApproaches, Tools or Methods Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) Strategic National Action Plan (SNAP) Working Group on Mainstreaming Disaster Reduction in Development (MDRD) Community-Based Disaster Risk Management/Reduction (CBDRM/CBDRR) Coastal Community Resilience (CCR) Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) National Communications (NCs) National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) Climate Forecast Applications (CFA) Livelihoods Adaptation to Climate Change (LACC) Climate Risk Management (CRM) Climate Resilient Cities (CRC)
6. Conclusions on what defines good CCA Anticipation of risks and actions Incorporates precautionary principle Appreciation of gradual changes in environment induced by CC, needing graduated response Managing current extreme climate events to manage future CC impacts Institutional mechanisms to link science and societal management systems Development incorporating present and future risks Addressing elements of exposure to current and future risks and avoids maladaptation in future
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