28 – 29 September 2011 Vedic Village Spa Resort Kolkata, India. S.Shankar Narayanan Director-TB/NCD Population Services International India Social Franchising for Reproductive Health PSI Cambodia
28 – 29 September 2011 Vedic Village Spa Resort Kolkata, India. 60% of first time treatment seeking behavior in the private sector Yet, only 1500 registered providers recognized by the MOH Low knowledge of pharmacy and drug sellers Public providers often own and operate private service delivery points
28 – 29 September 2011 Vedic Village Spa Resort Kolkata, India. Social Marketing Sales Medical Detailing Franchise network 6000 outlets 1800 providers 175 providers
28 – 29 September 2011 Vedic Village Spa Resort Kolkata, India. KfW & other Donors NGO Partners MOH Franchise providers Private Pharma
28 – 29 September 2011 Vedic Village Spa Resort Kolkata, India. Ensuring access to subsidized products and services, therefore ensuring that limited government resources remain targeted to the poor and vulnerable. Improving private sector providers quality and effectiveness to serve the poor and vulnerable Ensuring public private linkages, referrals and information sharing
28 – 29 September 2011 Vedic Village Spa Resort Kolkata, India. Franchise network support for quality birth spacing. Medical detailing – a technique proven to be successful in the private sector to change provider behavior -- Structured discussion and role play identifying barriers to behavior. -- supply side interventions: practical skills building, medical detailing, training, QA, performance based financing… -- demand-side: mass and mid media, IPC and referral, loan and voucher programs
28 – 29 September 2011 Vedic Village Spa Resort Kolkata, India. Since 2009, franchise network expanded from 40 to 180 providing 74,000 birth spacing visits, including 23,000 IUDs Training to hundreds of providers who have skills in public or private facilities. Over 1800 providers detailed to change behaviors regarding malaria testing and treatment, diarrhea treatment, and family planning
28 – 29 September 2011 Vedic Village Spa Resort Kolkata, India. Public employees owning and operating private facilities Addressing provider behavioral barriers and measuring provider behavior change MIS and regulation
28 – 29 September 2011 Vedic Village Spa Resort Kolkata, India. Follow the health seeking behavior Address provider behaviors with clear and realistic expectations Work with public sector to help build stewardship of the total health system