22-23May, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand Present by SAN Chey, National Representative, ANSA Affiliated Network for Social Accountability – East Asia and the Pacific Cambodia (ANSA) CONNECTING CITIZENS TO IMPROVE GOVERNANCE AND Rights
The regional network promote and coordinate the practice of Social Accountability Implementing PETS, CRC, Social Audit Coordinate the evidence based advocacy with network member Coordinate and lead the anti-corruption campaign and monitoring in public service delivery and natural resource management Venue for debate on public procurement and governance analysis and reform
Cambodia is constitutional monarchy, Parliamentary representative democracy, the king is the highest in power but independent from politics. Current king is His Majesty Samdech Preah Baromneath Norodom Sihamoni (elected October 29, 2004). Three separate powers of court, government and legislature
TI ranks Cambodia in corruption 157/176 score 22/100 Anti-Corruption Law passes in April, 2010 Sub-decree of public procurement 2006 and transformed as the Public Procurement Law in early 2012 Implementing the Rectangle Strategy Phase 2 which states Anti-Corruption is the core of Good Governance Corruption stated in criminal code Formation of Anti-Corruption Institution
In Cambodia Fisheries
Fisheries source plays important role in contribution to national food and nutrition security, national economy and people’s livelihood. Fisheries product is estimated at 400, ,000 tons/year worth $1.2-$1.6 Billion Around 45% of total population work full- time in fisheries and other related activities
Fishery Administration /MAFF planned the bidding for fishing lot award in three province s of Prey Veng, Takeo and Kompong Cham. Protest accusing the chair of Bidding Committee of taking bribery at 20,000 USD The protest was made by the higher bidders The protest reached Minister office and Prime Minister
PM order the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to explain the irregularities took place during the bidding process The scandal was first highlighted in a report given by the Minister of Water Resource on how the officials of MAFF fixed the process to ensure the winning of the bid ( Favoritism).
One firm in Kompong Cham won the fishing lot with 79,000$ despite another firm was able to offer a higher bid 81,000$. The Government discovered officials had fixed the bidding process for companies interested in operating fishing lots along the Mekong River
PM decides to cancel the result of bidding in seven fishing lots located in Takeo, Prey Veng and Kompong Cham organized by MAFF through an official statement PM advised the next bidding should be under the monitoring of ACU to ensure the competitiveness in fishing lots award. Government issues 2 sub-decrees to abolish the fishing lots program nationwide
The administrative act, legal instrument plays role more important than Anti-Corruption Law against corruption offence Absence of investigation by ACU Absence of legal punishment to Fishery officials by penal code related to bribery and corruption while they may face favoritism Corruption in fisheries is still occurring
Open to presence of monitoring by SCO during the procurement process Presence of ACU officials in a procurement Punish the corruption case under the law In crease awareness on complaint handling over the corruption case Specific monitoring by CSO and communities