1,000,000 supporters Celebrating together this historical milestone
1. Why are we here today?
My page has reached 1 million Facebook supporters
We grew from 10,000 to 1,000,000 in less than 2 years Evolution of my Facebook fans from April 2013 to December 2014
Reaching 1 million supporters is such an outstanding success considering that Facebook penetration in Cambodia remains one of the lowest in the world
Cambodia’s Facebook penetration (8%) is one of the lowest in Southeast Asia, on par with Laos Facebook penetration levels in Southeast Asia WeAreSocial
Cambodia’s Facebook penetration is one of the lowest in the world, on par with Nigeria Facebook penetration levels worldwide WeAreSocial
Amongst the 1,4 million Facebook accounts in Cambodia, 1 million people (71%) have liked my page GeeksCambodia
Meaning nearly 3 out of 4 Facebook users have liked my page
Amongst the 3,8 million internet users in Cambodia 1 million people (26%) have liked my page Cambodia Daily
Meaning 1 out of 4 internet users in Cambodia has liked my Facebook page
We have become the largest political Facebook page in Cambodia
We have become the second largest Facebook page across categories in Cambodia
Social bakers News Entertainment TV Singer Radio news Fashion PM Entertainment News
My page has become a success story
It’s an open forum in Cambodia where anyone can discuss freely any political issues of their choice
Raising awareness on human rights issues, territorial conflicts, corruption, workers’ inhuman conditions, youth’s unemployment… we have created a unique public forum for the people of Cambodia to voice up their concerns, to debate burning issues and to share their hopes for the future
6 % Vs 0.28 % My page’s engagement rate is 21 times higher than the global average Sam Rainsy’s average page engagement rate Global average engagement rate for any Facebook pages with more than 1 million fans Engagement rate = (Likes + Shares + Comments) divided by total page fans Social Bakers
My Facebook page is now on par with some of the World’s Leaders’ Facebook pages
Nicolas Sarkozy Former ( ) and possibly next ( ) President of France 1,003,525 Facebook likes Former ( ) and possibly next ( ) President of France 1,003,525 Facebook likes
Burma’s Democracy Leader 1,027,237 Facebook likes Burma’s Democracy Leader 1,027,237 Facebook likes Aung San Suu Kiy
Former Secretary-General of the United Nations ( ) 1,085,499 Facebook likes Former Secretary-General of the United Nations ( ) 1,085,499 Facebook likes Kofi Annan