Title: ASEAN-Japan Cooperation on Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia 13-17 June 2011 Title: ASEAN-Japan Cooperation on Development of Technical Regulation and Establishment of a Type Approval System for Vehicle Name: Hiroshi Morita Organization: JASIC(Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center) Economy: Japan
Contents 1. ASEAN Harmonization Activity 2. ASEAN-Japan Cooperation
1. ASEAN Harmonization Activity
ASEAN Economic Integration by 2015 1. ASEAN Harmonization Activity ASEAN Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines , Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos , Vietnam ASEAN Economic Integration by 2015 Elimination of technical barriers to trade in Automotives sector Free Trade -Fair Market -Single Market (As like one country)
1. ASEAN Harmonization Activity ACCSQ-APWG ASEAN Leaders agreed to give a mandate to AEM to accelerate the integration of 11 priority sectors to achieve ASEAN Economic Integration (Wood based products, Automotives, Rubber based products, Textiles and apparels, Agro based products, Fisheries, Electronics, e-ASEAN, Healthcare, Air Travel, dan Tourism) Based on roadmap for ASEAN integration, ACCSQ Leaders agreed to establish new PWGs to accommodate the above mandate, in which one of them is PWG on Automotives (APWG). ASEAN Economic Minister Meeting( AEM) ASEAN Senior Economic Official Meeting (SEOM) ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) ACCSQ Structure APWG Automotive Product Working Group ASEAN is going to adopt UN ECE Regulations in order to harmonize technical regulations for Automotives among ASEAN countries at ACCSQ-APWG
1. ASEAN Harmonization Activity Latest Status for acceding 1958 Agreement in ASEAN Countries Country 1958 Agreement Remark Thailand acceded Malaysia Indonesia Plan to accede Plan to Join at 2011? Philippines Singapore Under consideration Vietnam Plan to Join at ? Brunei ? Myanmar Cambodia Laos For the moment, only two ASEAN countries had joined 1958 Agreement.
ASEAN MRA 1. ASEAN Harmonization Activity < Objectives> ASEAN is discussing establishment of MRA under ACCSQ-APWG ASEAN MUTUAL RECOGNITION ARRANGEMENT ON VEHICLE TYPE APPROVAL FOR AUTOMOTIVE < Objectives> To enhance cooperation amongst Member States in ensuring the safety and quality of automotive products marketed in ASEAN To create a single market and reduce restrictions to trade in automotive sector through the harmonization of technical and safety requirements for automotive products. < Scope > To facilitate mutual recognition of conformity assessment results of automotive products
1. ASEAN Harmonization Activity < Technical Regulations > To use them based on UNECE Regulations issued by the designated conformity assessment bodies. NO AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCT UNECE REGULATION 1. Seat belt anchorage R14 2. Seat belt R16 3. Pneumatic tyre – passenger R30 4. Safety glass R43 5. Noise emission R51 6. Pneumatic tyre - commercial R54 <Discussing at ACCSQ-APWG> ASEAN Automotive Committee Apply Competent Authority AAC Approve Technical Services
2. ASEAN-Japan Cooperation
Background 2. ASEAN-Japan Cooperation Project Proposal for Technical Assistance for the Automotive Sector under the ASEAN-Japan Cooperation was presented to Japan during the ACCSQ-METI (JAPAN) meeting held in August 2010. During the ACCSQ-METI Meeting, Japan presented a counter proposal for ASEAN on the automotive sector proposing that the activities should be carried out also as a part of activities by the Transport Ministers of ASEAN Member States and Japan last year. It was agreed that Japan would consolidate the proposals. note: "ASEAN-Japan Cooperative Program on Development of Technical Regulations and Establishment of a Type Approval System for Vehicle" was endorsed by the Transport Ministers of ASEAN Member States and Japan last November.
2. ASEAN-Japan Cooperation Japan proposal Japan proposed the revised project proposal: ACCSQ-APWG WS (one-day workshop on UNECE regulations, VTA and COP ) for Technical Assistance for the Automotive Sector under the ASEAN-Japan Cooperation during the ACCSQ-APWG held in April 2011. It was agreed that ACCSQ-APWG WS to be held back-to-back with the ACCSQ-APWG special task force meeting in July 2011. Japan is preparing for the ACCSQ-APWG WS cooperating with ASEAN Secretariat.
2. ASEAN-Japan Cooperation Relation Map between ASEAN/ACCSQ-APWG and Japan
2. ASEAN-Japan Cooperation ACCSQ-APWG Workshop One day in July 2011 Date Jakarta, Indonesia Place Participants ASEAN countries and Japan Purpose To give technical assistance for the understanding of member states on 1958 and 1998 Agreements. Vehicle Type Approval (VTA). Conformity of Production (COP) requirements and obligations under the 1958 Agreement. Topics History and contents of each version of ECE regulations The latest information on IWVTA activity
2. ASEAN-Japan Cooperation A topic in the Workshop (1) Example: History of ECE Regulation amendment WP.29 minutes WP.29/885 para 131 Final Document WP.29/895 Regulation No. ECE43-00 Series00 Supplement.7 Discussed in 128th WP29 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev/19 Page 215 REGULATION No.43 Adopted by AC.1 Document reference E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS /505/Rev.1 Date of entry into force Status of Document Session (date) Report TRANS/WP.29/… Adopted document TRANS/WP.29/… Add 42/Rev.2 Suppl.7 to 00 16.07.03 128 885, para 131 895 12.08.04 131 953, para 111 970 Add 42/Rev.2 /Amend.1 Suppl.8 to 00 … Changing the technical requirement (impression on design) Changing the certification mark Including provisional revision Series Supplement Clarification of test procedures, not imposing new requirements Not changing certification mark Corrigendum A Corrigendum consists of corrections to previously issued texts Date of entry into force of adoption by the Administrative Committee AC.1
2. ASEAN-Japan Cooperation The informal group on IWVTA A topic in the Workshop (2) the latest information on IWVTA activity provided. The informal group on IWVTA Objective To make a roadmap for establishing the common bases of IWVTA and revising the 1958 Agreement Chair Chairman: Chairman of WP29 Co Vice-chairmen: EC and Japan Schedule 17 June 2011 in Paris Participation Any country can participate in the meeting excerpt of the report of the last WP29 [ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1089]: The representative of France, chairing the informal group on IWVTA, … informed WP.29 about the intention of the group to identify the amendments necessary to the 1958 Agreement with possible solutions to be presented and endorsed by WP.29 at the November session.
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