Programming for MNCH and nutrition Jerker Liljestrand Copenhagen, 18 January, 2013
Under 5 mortality, global UNICEF 2009
Under 5 mortality, global In 2010, newborn mortality was 23/ UNICEF
The rule of two thirds Of infant mortality, 2/3 is in first month Of those, 2/3 are in first week Of those, 2/3 are in first 24 hours
Maternal mortality ratio, global, (WHO et al)
Life expectancy at birth, global Source State of the World´s Children 2009, UNICEF
Total fertility rate, TFR, global (”average number of children”)
Source: National Health Statistics MoH Mainly public sector Interventions for Maternal Health In Cambodia Peace, growth, education Roads, phones Health centers, midwives Peace, growth, education Roads, phones Health centers, midwives
Source: National Health Statistics MoH Mainly public sector Interventions for Maternal Health In Cambodia Peace, growth, education Roads, phones Health centers, midwives Peace, growth, education Roads, phones Health centers, midwives Removing financial barriers: - Health equity funds, vouchers - Live birth incentive ($15) Removing financial barriers: - Health equity funds, vouchers - Live birth incentive ($15)
Now, 4 perspectives… Programmatic Health system Development (society) Partnership (what can we do?)
Conclusions (1) Programs: work in technical areas Try to integrate Multipronged approach Spend time on partnerships
Conclusions (2) Health system: work in “horisontal area”, cross-cutting Broader approach to address commonalities => MNCH can be health system strengthening
Conclusions (3) Development context: Need to link programs to community approaches = demand side Mobilize community, more in maternal and newborn health
Huge improvements in MNCH/FP in low income countries It can be done!
Achievements, Cambodia Met MDG 4 (child health) May meet MDG 5 (maternal health) Met MDG 6 (HIV)
Improve newborn survival – stagnant since >5 yrs Improve nutrition - 35% of 2-5 year olds are stunted or wasted. Stagnant >5 yrs Challenges, Cambodia
MNH Challenges, Cambodia Improve links HCs hospitals Improve quality of care Regulate private sector Increase FP availability