New Jersey DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION August 6, 2014 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: Technology Standards 8.1 and 8.2
New Jersey DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Technology Standards: Using Today’s Tools to Prepare Students for a Rapidly Changing World A more content (and data) rich world “ Today, more content is created in 48 hours than all of the content created between the beginning of time and 2003” Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO Jobs that Don’t Yet Exist 60% of the jobs that will exist 10 years from now don’t exist today One Giant Social Network 3 billion more people will be connected within the next decade
New Jersey DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Why change Technology Standards 8.1 and 8.2? Because technology has changed
New Jersey DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Impacts on Standard 8 Changing technologies and terminology Changing skill sets and tools Language changes enabling more cross-curricular application Tighter alignment to ISTE and ITEEA standards International Society for Technology in Education and the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Support NGSS, Offices of Early Childhood and Career and Technical Education Alignment with requirements of Legislation A3292 Sca (1R) provide instruction on responsible use of social media for middle school students
New Jersey DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Core Curriculum Content Standards for Technology Additions/Changes: Standard 8 changed grade bands to align with the NGSS Standard 8.1 (Education Technology) Addresses Legislation (A3292 Sca (1R) ) Tighter alignment with ISTE’s Standards Updated technology skills sets and updated terminologies Changes to allow greater cross curricular applications Standard 8.2 (Technology Education) Addition of Computational Thinking: Coding and Programming Tighter alignment with ITEEA’s Standards Correlate where possible with NGSS
New Jersey DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Examples Updated language so that educational technology tools were open to be more cross curricular in nature. “Use digital tools and online resources to explore a problem or issue affecting children, and discuss possible solutions.” This type of language was changed to “Use digital tools and online resources to explore a problem or issue.” Cross walk of technology skill levels needed for the NGSS; Database and spreadsheet applications are in place in fifth grade to align with their use in science at that same level. Vocabulary changes due to advancement of technology and its tools Input device rather than mouse; application rather than software.