KY Statewide Traffic Signal System ITS Mid-America 2005 Columbus, OH
1987 No Standardized hardware or firmware Low Bid Lottery Difficult to maintain Confusing to program “Universal Manual” not working Tighter NEMA specs not working 1989 Adopted the Caltrans 170 spec and Wapiti W4IKS firmware Initial resistance from technicians Now “the best decision we ever made” Mid 1990’s Field equipment changout complete
KY Traffic Signal Facts KY maintains 2500 traffic signals All of those signals use Model 170 equipment and Wapiti W4IKS firmware. Many of our signals are interconnected Wapiti does nearly everything we need it to do Our people are trained in maintaining the model 170/Wapiti controllers
Is there something wrong in our world of Wapiti?
What could be wrong??? We estimate that we have 2500 traffic signals We know that they are located in KY Somewhere on a PC, laptop or PDA is the correct timing for each of those signals We many “bonus” timing files out there Technicians never modify timing in the field Our signals are working correctly because the police have not called today Every coordinated signal is in-step because the 170 controller is as good as an atomic clock
Overall the W4IKS standard has served us well. Standards are important…that is why there are so many
The world may be changing … but we are sticking with the Wapiti/170 standard
Nothing more can be added to the 170/Wapiti system
What we need A way to manage our timing data A way to modify signal timing (from our desks) An automated process to check the status of every signal every day
Kentucky is Unique … just like everyone else
Unique Needs We have very limited bandwidth to our signals We don’t need to monitor our signals second-by-second We do need to use our existing hardware and firmware We do need to use the technician/PDA as a communication link
We decided to use COTS software … and modify it
We want an easy to understand user interface
ATMS Map Platform for display of traffic status, devices, etc. Geographically accurate ESRI data Layers support –Traffic Controllers –Traffic Conditions (links)
ATMS Explorer Platform for Schematics Import Graphics WMF BMP Uses common drawing tools DXF, TIFF, JPEG Uses Active-X Controls Used to Construct “Management Views” of System Elements Links Directly to the Device Controls Supports Hyper Links
TransSuite TCS Users Interface Primary interface to TCS Online device configuration l Intersection l System Detector l Section l Zone Multiple views of system devices l By Jurisdiction l By Section l By Zone l By Device Scheduler View Device Reports System Log Links with ATMS Map and Explorer
KYTC System Overview Base KYTC System: –TransSuite Traffic Control System (TCS) Server –Database Server –Central Communications Server (CCS) –Support Server –Operator Integrated Workstations (IWS) ATMS Map ATMS Explorer TransSuite TCS User Interface Unified Controller Manager
KYTC System Architecture
Where we are at… Inventory 97.5% complete (73.8% of all statistics are made up on the spot) Initial software installation in progress Field controllers coming on-line KY modifications being added and tested
Step 1 - Field Inventory Show signal inventory animation
Comments, Questions? Glenn Anderson KY Transportation Cabinet Division of Traffic Operations 200 Mero Street Frankfort, KY