China By Feionne
China is has1,313.3 million people. The life expectancy for women is74.6 years. The life expectancy for men is 70.8 years. These figures are a lot lower than the UK’s figures. Info
This is a picture how polluting China really is. China is the 3 rd most polluting country. Pollution We need to stop global warming. Or the world will get warmer because they will be holes in the ozone layer that surrounds the world and protects us from the sun.
Most people have bikes as a mode of transport instead of cars. Some of the things you find in your house will be made in China. Info The colour red is good luck
The Great Wall was built to keep the Mongolians out of China.They wanted to attack China it took 10 years to build the Great Wall. The Great Wall
One Child Family In 1979 a law was passed that couples were only allowed to have one child. They really only wanted to have boys because they could help on the farm.Girls were some times killed or given away. They got paid to have one child.If they had more than one they could be fired from their job. Having a girl was not so good because when they got married and the father of the girl had to give money to the other family. The law was passed that families were only allowed to have one because they were too many people.
The Olympics These are the official mascots for the Olympics (next year) in As you can see the five mascots are the same colour as the five rings.They will be spending a very big amount of money. On arenas, seats and a lot of other things you would use for the Olympics.
Changing China In China there were approximately 3,200 hutongs but there are only 990 in China at the moment. With all the new buildings being constructed in China,all the history is disappearing due to construction and they don't now how to preserve the hutongs.Hutongs are narrow streets going by the side of houses and shops. The big problem in China is the water. They are going to build 3 dams to store the water. Lots of pipes are burst so between 30 and 40 percent of the water is going into the ground so the houses are not getting that water. Instead of building the new dams they might try and fix the pipes so they don’t lose the water.
The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army was built to be put in the Emperor’s tomb. The men were life size. Pit one They were more than 6,000 horses and men. They flank out left to right and north to south. Rear men were armed with cross bows.They were arranged in battle formation. Pit 2 They were over 1000 men, 500 horses and 9 chariots made of wood, in battle formation
Pit 3 They were 68 men, four horses and one chariot. But they was no battle formation. The Terracotta Army were all broken when they found them. It was amazing how many there were and the sculpting would have been tricky as well as the detail.
Foot Binding Foot binding was introduced to keep girls feet small. First they washed their feet then they cut there toe nails as small as they could get them then they wrapped their feet up in cloth very tight. They changed the cloth every day and every day it got tighter and tighter. The girls had to walk on their feet and it would have been very sore. Within 3 years their feet will be dead and the smell will be rank. They had this special shoe to fit their feet. Their feet were only 3 inches long they were tiny. Men would not want to marry women with big feet.