Kofax Analytics for Capture™ — Understanding and Optimizing Capture Process Effectiveness Mary Mansour, Kofax Lead Sales Engineer
Agenda The changing face of capture operations Measuring for improvement Introducing Kofax Analytics for Capture™
The Changing Face of Capture Operations A significant move from “nice to have” to “competitive advantage” More documents, more customers, more suppliers, more complexity Compliance and regulations are tighter than ever So how can we improve what we can’t measure?
Measuring for Improvement – Where Do We Start? Wisdom Knowledge Information Data A collection of facts and numbers The organization of data to tell a story The subject matter and context that defines the story The transformation of that knowledge into action
In Context to Kofax……. Batches, documents, pages, keystrokes Batch manager, list reports Count / average, key strokes, performance Wisdom Knowledge Information Data Warn me when my system is about to underperform
Kofax Analytics for Capture
What Is Kofax Analytics for Capture? Kofax Analytics for Capture™ provides optimized, out-of-the- box dashboards focused on elevating the visibility into the effectiveness of your capture solution.
Giving You the Answers You Need We expect to be warned before something bad happens in other parts of our lives… Saving time and money from lost operational efficiency Achieve an operational standard before going live Do more with more – more metrics, data, and actionable information at your finger tips
Get New Answers to Your Questions How many documents were processed outside of our service level agreement? (And give me warnings.) How productive are our users? (Who needs more training and guidance to improve their productivity?) Which captured fields are causing us the most issues? And why is this happening?
Analytics for Capture Insight Analytics for Capture Insight Capture data only
Analytics for Capture Shrink wrapped dashboards + Designer Design reports
Insight Analytics for Capture Shrink wrapped dashboards + Designer + StudioLimited Design reports and build your own Metrics against the Capture data source
Insight Analytics Shrink wrapped dashboards + Designer + StudioComplete Design reports and build your own Metrics against any data source
Summary Pre-configured, “out of the box” analytics for your Kofax Capture™ operation. Quick deployment for instant results Do more with more – more metrics, data, and actionable information at your finger tips Optimize your capture operation to meet and exceed your operational expectations Proactively monitor your operational effectiveness
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