2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II1 UCERF3.2: Hazard Implications Hazard comparison metrics Inversion testing –Convergence and eqn. set weighting Hazard maps –Influence of logic tree branches –Contributions to changes in hazard Hazard curves at sites
Hazard Evaluation: Metrics Ground motion values: –2% in 50 years(Prob. Exceed.) –10% in 50 years(Prob. Exceed.) –RTGM (1% Prob. Collapse in 50 yr.) Frequencies –PGA –5Hz –1Hz Curves:NEHRP (2009) Test Cities Other WGCEP, PBR Maps:Full logic-tree for PGA (1440 branches) Partial tree for 1Hz (40 branches) 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II2
Hazard Metrics: RTGM Risk Targeted Ground Motion (RTGM) Adopted by BSSC in conjunction with 2009 NEHRP provisions Ground motion for 1% probability of collapse in 50 years Computed at frequencies: 5Hz and 1Hz Scalar valued Considers entire hazard curve 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II3
Hazard Curves: Inversion Convergence 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II4 San Diego PGA San Francisco 1Hz Examine variation over repeated inversion runs Single “reference” branch 100 runs
Hazard Curves: Inversion Eqn. Weights 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II5 San Diego PGA San Francisco 1Hz Examine effect of varying inversion equation weights 11 weight variants
Hazard Maps: UC2 vs. UC3 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II6
Hazard Ratios: Grid vs. Fault Sources 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II7
Hazard Ratios: Grid Source Comparison 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II8
Hazard Ratios: Smooth Seis. Comparison 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II9
Branch Ratios: Fault Models 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II10
Branch Ratios: Deformation Models 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II11
Branch Ratios: Magnitude Scaling Rel. 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II12
Branch Ratios: Dsr (slip along rupture) 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II13
Branch Ratios: M≥5 rate 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II14
Branch Ratios: Off-fault M max 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II15
Branch Ratios: Smoothed Seis. models 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II16
Hazard Ratio: Sources of Change Explain all non-yellow areas –Smoothed seismicity model –New faults, slip changes, or Mo rate changes –Methodological changes
Shows influence of M max & total M≥5 rate increase for gridded seismicity UCERF 3.2 / NSHMP08 Grid Sources Only (and using only U2 Smoothed Seis.) Sources of Change: M max & M≥5 rate
Shows influence of tighter U3 Smoothed Seis. Model UCERF 3.2 / NSHMP08 Grid Sources Only (using both U2 & U3 Smoothed Seis.) Artifact of “Deep seismicity” being excluded from denominator map Sources of Change: Artifacts
UCERF 3.2 / NSHMP08 Grid Sources Only (using both U2 & U3 Smoothed Seis Map) Influenced by UCERF3 smoothed- seismicity branch Shows influence of tighter U3 Smoothed Seis. Model Sources of Change: Grid Sources
UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Big Lagoon-Bald Mtn : Extended N ~60 km, and moment rate ~8 times higher on ABM Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
New faults: Klamath Falls Lake E & W UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
Gillem and Cedar Mtn. faults have lower slip rates UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
Four new faults Likely Fault (moment rate doubled) UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
8 new faults (ABM rates high due to block boundary) Maacama (20% increase in moment rate) West Napa (factor of 3.5 increase in Mo rate, ABM about 4 times higher than others) UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
Great Valley 07 (Orestimba) moment rate went down by ~60% New Great Valley faults UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
Calaveras (So) - Paicines extension Complex combination of new faults and geometric and rate changes UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
New fault: Oceanic – West Hausna (NeoKinema rate more than 4 times higher than others) 3 new faults UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
New fault: Lost Hills Mix of new faults & gridded sources New faults in Mojave UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
New Fault: Cerro Prieto New faults: San Clemente San Diego Trough Santa Cruz Catalina Ridge San Pedro Basin UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
Cucamonga: biggest methodological change Death Valley Faults (North, South, and Black Mtn. Frontal): moment rates went down ~40% UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
Anacapa Dume: moment rate down by factor of 3 UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black Sources of Change: Fault Sources
Addition of, or moment rate change on faults UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Hazard Analysis Sites 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II34
Hazard Analysis Sites 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II35
Hazard Curves: Blue: Logic tree weighted mean hazard curve (UC3) Light Blue: Logic tree min max hazard curve range Red: UC2 logic tree weighted mean (solid), min and max (dashed) hazard curves Green: NSHMP reference value Ground motion histogram of logic tree branches summed over weights Tornado diagram 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II36
Hazard Curves: Los Angeles 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II37 PGA1Hz
Hazard Curves: San Francisco 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II38 PGA1Hz
Sites with changes > 10% 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II39 SiteGroupchange ReddingWGCEP287% BrookingsWGCEP257% San DiegoNEHRP137% Carson CityWGCEP127% Long BeachNEHRP122% VallejoNEHRP121% NorthridgeNEHRP119% Big SurWGCEP118% Century CityNEHRP114% SiteGroupchange San BernardinoWGCEP88% Malibu WestWGCEP86% EurekaNEHRP86% PalmdaleWGCEP85% Santa RosaNEHRP83% OaklandNEHRP82% Death ValleyNEHRP64% CucamongaWGCEP59%
Hazard Curves: Redding (x3) 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II40 PGA1Hz
Grid & Fault Conributions: Redding 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II41
Hazard Curves: San Diego (140%) 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II42 PGA1Hz
Hazard Curves: Vallejo (120%) 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II43 PGA1Hz
Hazard Curves: San Bernardino (88%) 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II44 PGA1Hz
Hazard Curves: Oakland (82%) 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II45 PGA1Hz
Hazard Curves: Cucamonga (50%) 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II46 PGA1Hz
Hazard Ratios: PGA vs. 1Hz 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II47
Hazard Ratios: PGA vs. 1Hz 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II48
Hazard Ratios: Logic-Tree Weight Variation 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II49
Continued UCERF3 analysis… Branch averaged solutions Deaggregation Stacked histograms of ground motion distribution at sites for each logic tree node (branch correlations) Repeat convergence and equation weight tests Higher resolution maps around San Francisco and Los Angeles Hazard analyses online: – 2/21/ USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II50